14TVVCRVOLUMEAVINPUT SELECT VCR/TVRESETOSD/DISPLAYPICTURE MODE RECTIMERÁNAVIPROG/CHECK SPEEDONrsOFFrsDATErrsWWXs XWXSEARCHCANCELINDEXOKAUDIO∫1342 1569 ¥:ÍÍ;/DMENU1 2 3 4Storing TV Broadcasts in your VCRAuto Tuning Using the OnScreen DisplayThe VCR is tuned automatically by Plug in AutoTuning. However, Auto Tuning using the OnScreen Display should be performed accordingto the following method if necessary.Notes:– Auto Tuning searches for TV stations fromVHF minimum to UHF maximum andmemorizes every tuned program position.Other program positions are skipped.– Auto Tuning takes three or more minutes tocomplete its search.– If the VCR is not correctly tuned by AutoTuning, follow the procedure on the nextpage.Preparations– Confirm that the TV is on and the VCRviewing channel is selected.– Turn on the VCR and select any programposition except AV input.– Press [VCR/TV] to select the VCR mode.Operations1 Press [MENU].2 Select [CHANNEL SET]by pressing 3 or 4 andthen press [OK].3 Select [ANTENNASYSTEM] by pressing3 or 4 and then press[OK].4 Select the desiredsystem by pressing 3 or4 and then press[MENU].5 Select [AUTO] bypressing 3 or 4 andthen press [OK].– When Auto Tuning iscompleted, the onscreen displaydisappears and thelowest channel positionat which a broadcastcan be tuned in isreceived.AUTO CHANNEL SETPROCEEDINGEND :MENU2LANGUAGECLOCK SET≥CHANNEL SETSELECTEND: , OK:MENUOSD MENUOPTIONSELECTEND::MENUCATVANTENNA SYSTEM≥TV≥AUTOSELECTEND: , OK:MENUCHANNEL SETANTENNA SYSTEMMANUAL≥LANGUAGESELECTEND : , OK:MENUOSD MENUCLOCK SETCHANNEL SETOPTIONSELECTEND : , OK:MENUCHANNEL SET≥ANTENNA SYSTEMAUTOMANUAL