39Helpful HintsDirt on the video headsIf the video heads get dirty, pictures will not berecorded or played back clearly.(See the following conditions.)Smallamountof dirtLargeamountof dirtIf this happens, insert and eject a cassette5–10 times successively to remove the dirtfrom the video heads.NormalpictureIf a clear picture is not produced, insert acommercially available cleaning cassette.Then, press [REC (REC/OTR)] and keep itrunning for approximate 10 seconds to cleanthe video heads.If the problem still persists after performing allof the measures listed above, contact a servicepersonnel to request assistance.Heads mainly become dirty because ofscratched or dirty tapes, use of the unit inplaces where temperature and humidity arehigh, dust in the air and other reasons.Never use tapes on which juice has been spiltor those that are extremely damaged since thiswill not only cause the heads to become dirty,but will also make the unit malfunction.Surge AbsorberFor added protection for this product, thesemodels are equipped with new surge absorbingcircuit which prevents damage due to powersurges caused by induced lightning.– This function may not be effective for surgesby direct lightning.CVC (Crystal View Control)IndicatorThe crystal view control function ensures thatyou always obtain the optimum picture qualityso that you get the best picture automatically.While the VCR is turned on, the CVC indicationis always displayed to show that the CrystalView Control is activated.Longrun Head SystemThis longrun head system enablesapproximately 8,000 hours of recording/playback with high quality images. Newlydeveloped head cylinder with narrower headwindows and tapered cylinder designeffectively protects heads from dust andprevents head clogging. Plus, “Alumina” HeadCleaner further enhanced cleaning efficiency.– Based on in-house tests with Panasonicvideo cassettes. Actual head life may varyaccording to conditions of use, tape type,temperature, humidity, etc.The serial number of this product can befound on the rear panel. No others have thesame serial number as yours. You shouldrecord the number and other vital informationhere and retain this book as a permanentrecord of your purchase to aid identification incase of theft.Date of PurchaseDealer purchased fromDealer AddressDealer Phone No.Model No. AG-1340PSerial No.