31Advanced OperationsTo Set the CategoryThe category setting allows you to find whatkind of programs are recorded by the characterand the icon indications.Press 1 while the JetNavigator list appears.Notes:– The Jet Navigator list is stored in eachcassette.– Signals approximately 10 seconds before andafter the current tape position are checked.(During this checking, [CHECKING JETNAVIGATOR DATA] is displayed on the TVscreen.)– Checking cannot be performed properly whensignals are attempted to be checked atportions of the tape where there are nosignals such as at unrecorded portions of thetape. In this case, press [NAVI] at a portion ofthe tape where a program has been recordedof this VCR. This will allow signal checking tobe performed more reliably. When a signalcan still not be found, [CAN NOT FIND JETNAVIGATOR DATA] is displayed on the TVand you cannot find the beginning of theprogram.– Up to 20 cassettes and 50 programs can beregistered.– If 50 recorded programs data is alreadystored in memory and you attempt to storetimer recording data for another program, themessage [REMAINING PROGRAM “0”DELETE JET NAVIGATOR DATA] appears. Ifyou attempt to make a new recording, thissame message also appears after you insertthe cassette and the Jet Navigator data ischecked. As each timer recording or manualrecording is finished, the program data isdeleted, starting from the oldest data.– When a new program is attempted to berecorded if programs equivalent to20 cassettes are already stored in memory,[REMAINING CASSETTE “0” FOR JETNAVIGATOR DELETE JET NAVIGATORDATA] is displayed. Programs recordedwithout deleting data as instructed are notregistered in the list.END : MENUCATEGORY SETTING≥MOVIE≥MUSIC≥DRAMA≥EDUCA≥DOCUM≥SPORT≥CHILD≥NEWS≥OTHER≥– – – – –SELECT: 3421CategoryMOVIEMUSICDRAMAEDUCATIONDOCUMENTARYSPORTSCHILDRENNEWSOTHERSIndicationMOVIEMUSICDRAMAEDUCADOCUMSPORTCHILDNEWSOTHERIconTo Delete the Jet Navigator Data of a SingleVideo Cassette Tape:Keep [CANCEL] pressed for more than5 seconds while the Jet Navigator list appears.“– –” appears on the list.– See page 20 on the way to delete all the JetNavigator data stored in the VCR’s memory.