Others93LSQT1210MessagesNO DATA. There are no images recorded on the media.CAN NOT RECORD. HDDIS FULL.The HDD is full or the number of scenes has reached the maximumlimit so no further data can be recorded. Back up the data on theHDD to a computer, etc. and then delete unnecessary scenes orformat the HDD. (l 60, 65, 69)CAN NOT RECORD. THENUMBER OF SCENES HASEXCEEDED THE MAXIMUMLIMIT. BACKUP HDD THENFORMAT.RECOMMEND DATA BACKUP PERIODICALLY.The capacity of the HDD is limited. We recommend backing upimportant recorded data periodically to a computer etc. to protect it.This message does not indicate that there is a problem with thisunit.HDD BACKUPRECOMMENDED.There is a possible problem with the HDD. Immediately copy thedata on the HDD to a computer etc. and then have the unit repaired.THIS CARD CANNOTRECORD IN VIDEO MODE.An 8 MB or 16 MB SD card has been inserted in video recordingmode.CHECK CARD. This card is not compatible or it cannot be recognised by the unit.CARD LOCKED. The write protection switch on the SD card is set to LOCK. (l 16)CARD FULL. The SD card is full or the number of scenes has reached themaximum limit so no further data can be recorded. Deleteunnecessary scenes (l 60, 65) or insert a new SD card.SCENE NUMBER IS FULL.CARD DOOR OPENED. The card slot cover is open. Close it.ERROR OCCURRED.RECORDING IS STOPPED.≥ When using an SD card that can be used for motion picturerecording (l 16)When this message appears, it is recommended that you format theSD card being used. (l 69) When an SD card is formatted, all thedata recorded on it will be deleted. Back up the data on the SD cardto a computer, etc. before formatting the SD card.≥ When using any other cardUse a Panasonic SD card or another SD card which can be used torecord motion pictures. (l 16)CANNOT RECORD IN AGSMODE. The AGS function is activated. (l 34)LSQT1210_EP(EN).book 93 ページ 2007年2月9日 金曜日 午後6時0分