Section 700 - Operation Chapter 3. System FeaturesDBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 Page 3-27Door Box (Using Trunk Adaptor)(All Versions)DescriptionDoor Boxes (also called door phones) and door openers work together. Thedoor box is an intercom that allows visitors to announce their presence fromthe office door. The door opener enables a user to unlock the door using atelephone. Door openers are not sold by Panasonic; they can be purchasedseparately from an electronics dealer.There are two types of door box adaptors available for the DBS. The first type(VB-43701) utilizes a trunk connection to connect to the door box and isdescribed below. The second type (VB-43711) utilizes a digital port extensionto connect to the door phone and door opener. See “Door Box (UsingExtension Adaptor)” on page 3-25 for more information.Operation1. Answer the door box. (Door Box calls ring in on a dedicated FF key.)2. Press “3” while connected to the door box extension.The door opens automatically.Related Programming• FF4 (Ringing and Hunt Groups): Ringing Assignments (all)• FF2 (Trunk Programming): DTMF/Pulse Dialing for TrunksHardware Requirements• The Door Box requires a Door Box Adaptor (VB-43701), Door Box (VA-43705), and door opener. The door opener can be purchased from anelectronics dealer.• Up to two Door boxes can be connected to a Door Box Adaptor and utilizethe same trunk.• The Door Box extension cannot take part in conference calls.• The Door Opener can be set to open for 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or oneminute.