7. Operation and Maintenance9128-A2-GB20-80 September 2002 7-43Facility Rejected 29 Requested facility is notprovided by the network.No action is needed.Incoming CallsBarred54 Called user is not permittedto accept the call.Turn off network callscreening.IncompatibleDestination88 Request to establish a callhas been received, butlow-layer, high-layer, oranother compatibilityattribute (e.g., data rate)cannot be provided.Incorrect format of thedestination link.Arrange for the desiredcapability.Identified ChannelDoes Not Exist82 Channel requested for a callis not activated on theinterface.Make sure the network isconfigured for 2B service, ifa BRI DBM. Contact yourservice provider to verifythat your service isprovisioned for twoB-channels.Info ElementNonexistent orNonimplemented99 Device sending this causehas received a message itdoes not recognize.This cause will not preventthe message from beingprecessed.1. Verify that the InboundCalling ID has beendefined.2. Verify that the InboundCalling ID is part of yourservice.Interworking,Unspecified127 Precise cause of amessage cannot bedetermined because theinterworking network doesnot provide causes.No action is needed.Invalid CallReference Value81 Call reference used is notcurrently in use on theuser-network interface.Contact your servicerepresentative.Invalid Info ElementContents100 Device sending this causehas received andimplemented an informationelement, but one or morefields in the element cannotbe processed.Contact your servicerepresentative.Invalid Message,Unspecified95 No other cause in theinvalid message classapplies for this invalidmessage event.Contact your servicerepresentative.Invalid NumberFormat – IncompleteAddress28 Call cannot be completedbecause the phone numberis incorrect or incomplete.Check your ISDN linkprofile, and correct thenumber.Table 7-14. Most Recent and Previous Cause Value Messages (2 of 6)MessageCauseNo. What It Indicates What To Do