D. Router Command Line Summaries and ShortcutsD-4 September 2002 9128-A2-GB20-80CLI Command SummaryTable D-3, CLI Commands lists of all of the system-level commands for the CLI.For the default settings, seeCLI Command Default Settings on page D-6.Table D-3. CLI Commands (1 of 2)Commandaccess-listaccess-list-num [{permit | deny}{ {source-ip [src-wildcard] | any | hostsource-host-ip} |{protocol {source-ip source-wildcard | any | hostsource-host-ip}[src-operator src-port [src-end-port] ]{dest-ip dest-wildcard | any | hostdest-host-ip}[ [icmp-msg-type [icmp-msg-code] ] |[dest-operator dest-port [dest-end-port] ] ] } |{type-code [rangeend-type-code] } }no access-listaccess-list-num [{permit | deny}{ {src-ip [src-wildcard] | any | hostsrc-host-ip} |{protocol {src-ip src-wildcard | any | hostsrc-host-ip}[src-operator src-port [src-end-port] ]{dest-ip dest-wildcard | any | hostdest-host-ip}[ [icmp-msg-type [icmp-msg-code] ] |[dest-operator dest-port [dest-end-port] ] ] } |{type-code [rangeend-type-code] } ]arpip-address mac-address arp-typeno arpip-address [mac-address arp-type]arp timeouttimeno arp timeout [time]bridge {crb |bridge-group {acquire | aging-timeaging-time |protocolspan-tree-protocol | priorityspan-tree-priority |routeroute-protocol } }no bridge {crb |bridge-group {acquire |aging-time [aging-time] |priority [span-tree-priority] | route [route-protocol ] } }[no] bridge-groupbridge-group[no] bridge-groupbridge-group{input-type-listin-access-list-200num |output-type-listout-access-list-200num}clear arp-cacheclear counters [intf-type intf-num [.sub-intf-num] ]clear ip nat translations *default-routerip-addressno default-router [ip-address]dns-serverip-addressno dns-server [ip-address]domain-namedomain-nameno domain-name [domain-name]