4. Configuration Options9128-A2-GB20-80 September 2002 4-13Setting Up Automatic Backup ConfigurationThe Automatic Backup Configuration feature is used to automatically createalternate DLCI records and PVC connections on the ISDN DBM (backup) interfacefor current or newly discovered PVC Connections and Management PVCs.This feature is already set up, with Single_Site_Backup as the default for units witha BRI DBM and Multi_Site_Backup for units with a PRI DBM. If the unit at thecentral site has a BRI DBM, change the Automatic Backup Configuration toMulti_Site_Backup, if necessary.Main Menu →Auto-Configuration→Automatic Backup ConfigurationNOTE:Changes must be saved to take effect.SeeSetting Up Auto-Configuration on page 4-8, to see a screen example.If you select . . . Then . . .Single_Site_Backup(default for a BRI DBM)(Used at remote sites sinceonly one ISDN link to thecentral-site is needed.)Alternate destinations are automatically configured using asingle ISDN Link Profile to backup all network PVCConnections and Management PVCs over the primarydestination ISDN link.Initially, PVCs with alternate destinations are configured onthe first ISDN Link Profile using the same DLCI number asthe network DLCI being backed up. However, primarydestination PVCs on the ISDN DBM interface areautomatically updated to use a different DLCI number forthe alternate destination DLCI, derived from the first SLVmessage received on the each network DLCI.Multi_Site_Backup(default for a PRI DBM)(Used at central sites sincemultiple ISDN links areneeded, one for eachremote-site.)Alternate destinations are automatically configured using aseparate ISDN Link Profile to backup each network PVCConnection and Management PVC over the ISDN interface.Initially, all DLCIs are configured on the ISDN links usingthe same DLCI number as the network DLCI being backedup. However, primary destination PVCs on the ISDN DBMinterface are automatically updated to use a different DLCInumber for the alternate destination DLCI, derived from thefirst SLV message received on the each network DLCI.Automatically created alternate destination Link Profilesappear as Bkupnnnn,nnnn being the DLCI number (e.g.,Bkup200 would be configured for network DLCI 200).Disabled No automatic configuration takes place on the DBMinterface and no alternate destinations are created forPVCs.