granted: 1) for any code that Contributorhas deleted from theContributor Version; 2) separate fromthe Contributor Version;3) for infringements caused by: i) thirdparty modifications ofContributor Version or ii) thecombination of Modifications madeby that Contributor with other software(except as part of theContributor Version) or other devices; or4) under Patent Claimsinfringed by Covered Code in theabsence of Modifications made bythat Contributor.3.1. Application of License.The Modifications which You create or to whichYou contribute aregoverned by the terms of this License, includingwithout limitationSection 2.2. The Source Code version ofCovered Code may bedistributed only under the terms of this Licenseor a future versionof this License released under Section 6.1, andYou must include acopy of this License with every copy of theSource Code Youdistribute. You may not offer or impose anyterms on any Source Codeversion that alters or restricts the applicableversion of thisLicense or the recipients' rights hereunder.However, You may includean additional document offering the additionalrights described inSection Availability of Source Code.Any Modification which You create or to whichYou contribute must bemade available in Source Code form under theterms of this Licenseeither on the same media as an Executableversion or via an acceptedElectronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone towhom you made anExecutable version available; and if madeavailable via ElectronicDistribution Mechanism, must remain availablefor at least twelve (12)months after the date it initially becameavailable, or at least six(6) months after a subsequent version of thatparticular Modificationhas been made available to such recipients.You are responsible forensuring that the Source Code version remainsavailable even if theElectronic Distribution Mechanism is maintainedby a third party.3.3. Description of Modifications.You must cause all Covered Code to which Youcontribute to contain afile documenting the changes You made tocreate that Covered Code andthe date of any change. You must include aprominent statement thatthe Modification is derived, directly or indirectly,from OriginalCode provided by the Initial Developer andincluding the name of theInitial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b)in any notice in anExecutable version or related documentation inwhich You describe theorigin or ownership of the Covered Code.3.4. Intellectual Property Matters(a) Third Party Claims.If Contributor has knowledge that alicense under a third party'sintellectual property rights is required toexercise the rightsgranted by such Contributor underSections 2.1 or 2.2,Contributor must include a text file withthe Source Codedistribution titled "LEGAL" whichdescribes the claim and theparty making the claim in sufficient detailthat a recipient willknow whom to contact. If Contributor112