expressly excluded.Any law or regulation which provides that thelanguage of a contractshall be construed against the drafter shall notapply to thisLicense.As between Initial Developer and theContributors, each party isresponsible for claims and damages arising,directly or indirectly,out of its utilization of rights under this Licenseand You agree towork with Initial Developer and Contributors todistribute suchresponsibility on an equitable basis. Nothingherein is intended orshall be deemed to constitute any admission ofliability.Initial Developer may designate portions of theCovered Code as"Multiple-Licensed". "Multiple-Licensed"means that the InitialDeveloper permits you to utilize portions of theCovered Code underYour choice of the NPL or the alternativelicenses, if any, specifiedby the Initial Developer in the file described inExhibit A.EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.``The contents of this file are subject to theMozilla Public LicenseVersion 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use thisfile except incompliance with the License. You may obtain acopy of the License at distributed under the License isdistributed on an "AS IS"basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,either express or implied. See theLicense for the specific language governingrights and limitationsunder the License.The Original Code is _________.The Initial Developer of the Original Code is______.Portions created by _______ are Copyright (C)______. All Rights Reserved.Contributor(s): __________.Alternatively, the contents of this file may beused under the termsof the _____ license (the "[___] License"), inwhich case theprovisions of [______] License are applicableinstead of thoseabove. If you wish to allow use of your versionof this file onlyunder the terms of the [____] License and not toallow others to useyour version of this file under the MPL, indicateyour decision bydeleting the provisions above and replacethem with the notice andother provisions required by the [___] License.If you do not deletethe provisions above, a recipient may use yourversion of this fileunder either the MPL or the [___] License."[NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differslightly from the text ofthe notices in the Source Code files of theOriginal Code. You shoulduse the text of this Exhibit A rather than the textfound in theOriginal Code Source Code for YourModifications.]117