In certain countries, the automatic channel update isdone while watching TV or on any moment when theTV is in Standby.Manual Channel UpdateYou can always start an channel update yourself.To start a channel update manually…1 - Press , select All Settings and press OK.2 - Select Channels > Satellite Installation andpress OK.3 - Select Search for Channels and press OK.4 - Select Update Channels and press OK. The TVwill start updating. The update may take a fewminutes.5 - Follow the instructions on screen. The updatemay take a few minutes.6 - Select Finish and press OK.Add a SatelliteYou can add an additional satellite to your currentsatellite installation. The installed satellites and theirchannels remain untouched. Some satellite operatorsdo not allow adding a satellite.The additional satellite should be seen as an extra, itis not your main satellite subscription or not the mainsatellite of which you use its channel package.Typically, you would add a 4th satellite when youhave 3 satellites already installed. If you have 4satellites installed, you might consider removing onefirst to be able to add a new satellite.SetupIf you currently have only 1 or 2 satellites installed, thecurrent installation settings might not allow adding anextra satellite. If you need to change the installationsettings, you must redo the complete satelliteinstallation. You cannot use Add satellite if a changeof settings is needed.To add a satellite…1 - Press , select All Settings and press OK.2 - Select Channels > Satellite Installation andpress OK.3 - Select Search for satellite and press OK.4 - Select Add Satellite and press OK. The currentsatellites are shown.5 - Select Search and press OK. The TV willsearch for new satellites.6 - If the TV has found one or more satellites,select Install and press OK. The TV installs thechannels of the found satellites.7 - Select Finish and press OK to store thechannels and radio stations.Remove a SatelliteYou can remove one or more satellites from yourcurrent satellite installation. You remove the satelliteand its channels. Some satellite operators do notallow removing a satellite.To remove satellites…1 - Press , select All Settings and press OK.2 - Select Channels > Satellite Installation andpress OK.3 - Select Search for satellite and press OK.4 - Select Remove Satellite and press OK. Thecurrent satellites are shown.5 - Select a satellite and press OK to mark orunmark them to remove.6 - Press (left) repeatedly if necessary, to closethe menu.Manual InstallationManual Installation is intended for expert users.You can use Manual Installation to quickly add newchannels from a satellite transponder. You need toknow the frequency and polarization of thetransponder. The TV will install all channels of thattransponder. If the transponder was installed before,all its channels - the former and the new ones - aremoved to the end of the channel list All.You cannot use Manual installation if you need tochange the number of satellites. If this is needed, youhave to do a complete installation with InstallSatellites.To install a transponder…1 - Press , select All Settings and press OK.2 - Select Channels > Satellite Installation andpress OK.3 - Select Manual Installation and press (right)to enter the menu.4 - If you have more than 1 satellite installed, selectLNB for which you want to add channels.5 - Set the Polarisation you need. If you setthe Symbol Rate Mode to Manual, you can enterthe symbol rate in Symbol Rate manually.6 - Press the arrows (up) or (down) to adjustthe frequency, and select Done.7 - Select Search and press OK. The signalstrenght is shown on screen.8 - If you want to store the channels of a newtransponder, select Store and press OK.9 - Press (left) repeatedly if necessary, to closethe menu.81