obtains such knowledge afterthe Modification is made available asdescribed in Section 3.2,Contributor shall promptly modify theLEGAL file in all copiesContributor makes available thereafterand shall take other steps(such as notifying appropriate mailinglists or newsgroups)reasonably calculated to inform thosewho received the CoveredCode that new knowledge has beenobtained.(b) Contributor APIs.If Contributor's Modifications include anapplication programminginterface and Contributor has knowledgeof patent licenses whichare reasonably necessary to implementthat API, Contributor mustalso include this information in theLEGAL file.(c) Representations.Contributor represents that, except asdisclosed pursuant toSection 3.4(a) above, Contributorbelieves that Contributor'sModifications are Contributor's originalcreation(s) and/orContributor has sufficient rights to grantthe rights conveyed bythis License.3.5. Required Notices.You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A ineach file of the SourceCode. If it is not possible to put such notice ina particular SourceCode file due to its structure, then You mustinclude such notice in alocation (such as a relevant directory) where auser would be likelyto look for such a notice. If You created one ormore Modification(s)You may add your name as a Contributor to thenotice described inExhibit A. You must also duplicate this Licensein any documentationfor the Source Code where You describerecipients' rights or ownershiprights relating to Covered Code. You maychoose to offer, and tocharge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity orliabilityobligations to one or more recipients ofCovered Code. However, Youmay do so only on Your own behalf, and not onbehalf of the InitialDeveloper or any Contributor. You must make itabsolutely clear thanany such warranty, support, indemnity orliability obligation isoffered by You alone, and You hereby agree toindemnify the InitialDeveloper and every Contributor for anyliability incurred by theInitial Developer or such Contributor as a resultof warranty,support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.You may distribute Covered Code in Executableform only if therequirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been metfor that Covered Code,and if You include a notice stating that theSource Code version ofthe Covered Code is available under the termsof this License,including a description of how and where Youhave fulfilled theobligations of Section 3.2. The notice must beconspicuously includedin any notice in an Executable version, relateddocumentation orcollateral in which You describe recipients'rights relating to theCovered Code. You may distribute theExecutable version of CoveredCode or ownership rights under a license ofYour choice, which maycontain terms different from this License,provided that You are incompliance with the terms of this License and113