To clear a reminder…1 - Press TV GUIDE and select a programmewith the reminder.2 - Press OPTIONS.3 - Select Clear Reminder and press OK.4 - Press BACK to close the menu.Search by GenreIf the information is available, you can look upscheduled programmes by genre like movies, sports,etc.To search for programmes by genre…1 - Press TV GUIDE.2 - Press OPTIONS.3 - Select Search by Genre and press OK.4 - Select the genre you want and press OK. A listwith the found programmes appears.5 - You can set reminders or schedule a recording ona selected programme.6 - Press BACK to close the menu.List of RemindersYou can view a list of the reminders you have set.List of RemindersTo open the list of reminders…1 - Press TV GUIDE.2 - Press the colour key Recordings .3 - At the top of the screen,select Scheduled and press OK.4 - In the list of scheduled recordings and reminders,select the tab Reminders and press OK to view thereminders only.5 - Press the colour key Remove to remove theselected reminder. Press the colourkey Record to record the selected programme.6 - Press BACK to close the menu.Set a RecordingYou can set a recording in the TV Guide*.In the TV Guide, a programme set to be recorded ismarked with .To see the recording list, press Recordings , aprogramme set to be recorded is marked witha (red dot) on the front of the programme name.To record a programme…1 - Press TV GUIDE and select a future orongoing programme.2 - Press the colour key Record .3 - Press BACK to close the menu.To cancel a recording…1 - Press TV GUIDE and select the programmeset for recording.2 - Press the colour key Clear Recording .3 - Press BACK to close the menu.* See chapter Recording and Pause TV for moreinformation.37