66Dedicated Searches67Dedicated Searches2. Press PSE to begin searching from the currentfrequency.3. Press S or T to change the search direction.or Press FrL/O softkey to add a foundfrequency to the lockout list.or Press the MODE softkey to change the receivemode (AM, FM, NFM) from the default for thecurrent frequency range (au).or Press STOR to create a new CONV objectusing the found frequency.or Use the keypad to enter a new frequency, andpress ENT to make that the TUNE frequency.Notes:• Using FUNC TUNE from any other mode willload the last active frequency from the othermode into TUNE. For example, pressingFUNC TUNE while parked on a trunked radioTGRP will load the control channel frequencyinto the TUNE mode if the control channelfrequency is the last frequency that thescanner checked while scanning.• Dedicated TUNE mode will always checkfor the presence of encoded squelch anddigital modulation each time it finds an activefrequency. If a valid encoded squelch codeis found, it will be shown on the display, andstored automatically when you press STOR tocreate a new CONV object.• Dedicated TUNE mode also displaysinformation about trunking control channelsand trunked voice channels it finds whiletuning through the RF spectrum.The following information is displayed for eachtrunking mode:Trunked Mode Analysis DisplayMotorola 3600baud controlchannelqq% SID:ssss Sttqq = decoding quality of the controlchannel data, SID = System ID, andS = Site NumberP25 9600 BPScontrol channelqq% Nnnn W:wwwwwSys:sss Rrr Sttqq = decoding quality of the controlchannel data, N = NAC, W = WACN, SYS =System ID, R = RFSS, and S = Site NumberEDACS controlchannelqq% S:ss h/H s/S a/Aqq = decoding quality of the controlchannel data, S = Site ID, h/H = not homesite/is home site, s/S = not SCAT site/isSCAT site, a/A = not Aux CC/is Aux CCLTR homerepeaterHR:hh A–HH–GGGHR = the home repeater number of thetuned frequency, A-HH-GGG = the Area,Home Repeater and Group ID of the LTRtalkgroupMotorolaanalog voicechannelVC: lsTGID–nnnnnlsTGID = the decoded talkgroup ID datafrom the lowspeed data streamNote that the analog lowspeed dataprotocol does not provide errorcorrection, and some false “VC: lsTGID”readings should be expected.Tune LEDTune LED can provide visual indication of signalstrength using the tri-color LED.To activate the Tune LED:1. Press PGM for Program Mode.2. Press GLOB softkey.3. Press T to select Tune LED:.4. Press W or X to select Tune LED on or off.5. Press the SAVE softkey to save your changesto the radio’s configuration memory.