124Menu Reference125Text EntrySTLKParametersOptions DescriptionZeromatic On or Off When on, enhances thescanner’s ability to lock on tothe actual center frequency ofa search hit instead of an adja-cent frequency.Special On or Off STLK works by quickly sweep-ing the RF spectrum in 1 MHzincrements to find nearbystrong signals. If the 1 MHzsweep indicates that activityis present in the 1 MHz range,STLK sweeps that range to findthe source.Search Dir Up orDownSets search direction usedwhen STLK object is active.Hit Count NumericvalueIncrements each time a trans-mission is received on the STLKobject. Global “Hit Counts”must be set to ON. Press theDflt softkey to reset to 0.Appendix C: Text Entry and QuickTextYour scanner uses a simple text entry methodthat allows entry of all uppercase and lowercaseletters of the alphabet, numbers, and punctuationsymbols. Your scanner also features QuickText,which allows you to store up to 10 commonlyused text items for instant recall while editingalphanumeric fields.Text EntryTo enter a letter in an alphanumeric text field,press the number key below the letter you wishto type first, then press the number key thatcorresponds with the position of the letter in thesilk screen group.For example, the number 2 is used to access theletters A, B and C. To type the letter A, press 2to select the ABC group, then 1 to select the firstletter in the group. Likewise, to type the letterB, press 2 to select the ABC group, then press2 again to select the second letter in the group.And, to type the letter C, press 2, then 3 to selectthe third letter in the group.• To enter numbers in alphanumeric text fields,press 1 first, then the number you wish totype.• To enter punctuation, press 0 first to seethe first set of punctuation, then press thenumber key that corresponds with theposition of the desired punctuation mark inthe set.• To enter a space, press the . (period) key toenter a SPACE.• While using Standard Text Entry, the FUNCkey serves as a shift key.