12 13cannot be scanned by itself and is not considereda Scannable Object. It is a “configuration object”that can be used over and over again whenadding talkgroups for a specified trunked radiosystem.LMIT – Limit Search or Search Range ObjectLMIT objects contain the parameters necessaryfor the radio to search a range of individualfrequencies between a lower and upper limitfrequency.SRVC – Service Search ObjectSRVC objects are further divided into PublicSafety, Aircraft, Amateur, CB, Marine, and FRS/GMRS/MURS/DOT. SRVC objects are similar toLMIT objects, but are preprogrammed to searchall frequencies associated with the selectedservice.STLK – Signal Stalker II ObjectSTLK objects contain the parameters necessaryfor the radio to rapidly sweep a range ofradio spectrum for strong signals from nearbytransmitters.Understanding your ScannerScanner FeaturesObject Oriented User Interface is designed forease of use, yet is powerful enough to satisfy themost sophisticated experts. Common data entry,browsing and control methods are used for non-trunked conventional channels, trunking talkgroups,search configurations and Signal Stalker II setups.The radio grows with you—you can start out with asmall, easy to manage configuration, then expand itwhenever you need to.Menu Driven Programming with ContextSensitive Help – Each menu item provides a fewlines of help text that provide assistance withprogramming and using the scanner.Scan List functionality allows you to arrange, groupand scan objects according to your preference.Free-Form Memory Organization – Memoryis assigned as objects are created using asophisticated internal file management system.You are not constrained to traditional bank orchannel scanner memory layouts. The scannercan store over 1,800 conventional channels,trunking talkgroups, search configurations, andSignal Stalker II objects in any combination.V-Scanner Technology – Allows you to savecomplete radio configurations within the radio,for recall into main memory as needed in thefield. Twenty one V-Scanner Folders are provided,each capable of storing over 1,800 objects. Totalmemory capacity of main memory combined withV-Scanners is over 37,800 objects.Skywarn Storm Spotter Functionality – Instantaccess to frequencies used by storm spotternetworks. You can monitor storm conditions asthey occur, and become aware of dangerousUnderstanding your Scanner