Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings 757 Adjusting Autopilot SettingsChapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot SettingsThis chapter explains all of the calibration settings you can adjust onthe autopilot system. You will have adjusted many of these settingswhen commissioning the system (see Chapter 6), and they should notrequire further adjustment.Note: Complete the procedures described in Chapter 6 beforeadjusting any calibration settings.The sections in this chapter provide explain the Calibration mode andthe settings in the 4 calibration groupings:Note: If you are connecting the ST7001+ to a non-150/400 autopilotsystem, the calibration groups are different. Refer to the Appendix formore information.7.1 Calibration basicsThis explains the structure of the Calibration mode, andhow to access the four calibration 767.2Display CalibrationThe Display Calibration grouping allows you to controlthe ST7001+ display features (bar graph type and datapage information). This section also explains how touse data pages to set up the control unit as a remotecontrol for ST60/ST80 797.3User CalibrationThe User Calibration grouping includes autopilotsettings that you may need to adjust in response tochanging sea 877.4Seatrial CalibrationThe Seatrial Calibration grouping is used specifically forthe initial autopilot seatrial (see Chapter 6 for fulldetails).page 917.5 Dealer CalibrationThe Dealer Calibration grouping controls the mainautopilot settings and also the calibration 92