Network setup_ 33.Click the Firewall menu.4.Turn the firewall off.The following instructions may vary for your model.Perform the following to configure the IP address:1.Connect your machine and the computer using network cable.2.Insert the Installation CD-ROM, and open the disk window. Open theMAC_Installer > MAC_Printer > SetIP > SetIPApplet.html.3.Double click the file and Safari will automatically open, then selectTrust. The browser will open the SetIPApplet.html page that showsthe printer’s name and IP address information.4.Click on the icon (third from left) in the SetIP window to open theTCP/IP configuration window.5.Enter the printer’s new information into the configuration window asfollows. In a corporate intranet, you may need to have thisinformation assigned by a network manager before proceeding.•MAC Address: Find the machine’s MAC address from the NetworkConfiguration Report and enter it without the colons. Forexample, 00:15:99:29:51:A8 becomes 0015992951A8.The MAC address is the hardware serial number of theon-board network interface and can be found on theNetwork Configuration Report.•IP Address: Enter a new IP address for your printer.For example, if your computer’s IP address is,enter 192.168.1.X. (X is number between 1 and 254 other thanthe computer’s address.)•Subnet Mask: Enter a new Subnet Mask for your machine.•Default Gateway: Enter a new Gateway for your machine.6.Select Apply, then OK, and OK again. The printer will automaticallyprint the configuration report. Confirm that all of the settings arecorrect. Quit Safari. You may close and eject the installationCD-ROM. If necessary, restart the computer’s firewall. You havesuccessfully changed the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway.IPv4 setting using SetIP Program (Linux)The SetIP program should be automatically installed during the printerdriver installation.The path and UIs may differ by Linux OS version. Refer to theLinux OS manual to turn firewall off.1.Print the machine’s network configuration report to find your machine’sMAC address.2.Open the /opt/Samsung/mfp/share/utils/.3.Double click the SetIPApplet.html file.4.Click to open the TCP/IP configuration window.5.Enter the MAC address, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway,and then click Apply.When you enter the MAC address, enter it without a colon(:).6.The machine prints the network information. Confirm all of the settingsare correct.7.Close the SetIP program.Network parameter settingYou can also set up the various network settings through the networkadministration programs such as SyncThru™ Web Admin Service andSyncThru™ Web Service.Restoring factory default settings using SyncThru™Web Service1.Start a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox andenter your machine’s new IP address in the browser window.For example,2.Click Go to access the SyncThru™ Web Service.3.Click Login on the upper right of the SyncThru™ Web Servicewebsite.A log-in page appears.4.Type in the ID and Password then click Login .If it’s your first time logging into SyncThru™ Web Service, type in thebelow default ID and password.•ID: admin•Password: sec000005.When the SyncThru™ Web Service window opens, click Settings >Network Settings > Restore Default.6.Click Clear for network.7.Turn off and restart machine to apply settings.Installing network connected machine’s driverYou must install the printer driver software for printing. The softwareincludes drivers, applications, and other user friendly programs.Make sure that the network setup for your machine is completed. Allapplications should be closed on your computer before beginninginstallation.WindowsThis is recommended for most users. All components necessary formachine operations will be installed.Follow the steps below:1. Make sure that the machine is connected to the network and poweredon.2. Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive.•The software CD should automatically run and an installation windowappear.•If the installation window does not appear, click Start and then Run.Type X:\Setup.exe, replacing “X” with the letter which representsyour CD-ROM drive. Click OK.•If you use Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server R2,click Start > All programs > Accessories > Run.Type X:\Setup.exe replacing “X” with the letter which representsyour CD-ROM drive and click OK.•If the AutoPlay window appears in Windows Vista, Windows 7 andWindows 2008 Server R2, click Run Setup.exe in Install or runprogram field, and click Continue or Yes in the User AccountControl windows.