Scanning_ 33.Press the up/down arrow until the option you want highlights and pressOK.4.Press the up/down arrow to highlight All and press OK.5.Press the up/down arrow until the name and address you want ishighlighted. You can search upwards or downwards through theentire memory in index (numerical) order.Searching with a particular first letter1.Press (Scan/Email) and Address Book on the control panel.2.Press the up/down arrow to highlight Search & Dial and press OK.3.Press the up/down arrow until the option you want is highlighted andpress OK.4.Press the up/down arrow to highlight ID and press OK.5.Enter the first few letters of the name you want.6.Press the up/down arrow until the name you want is highlighted andpress OK.Printing Address BookYou can check your Address Book information by printing a list.1.Press (Scan/Email) and Address Book on the control panel.2.Press the up/down arrow to highlight Print and press OK.3.Press the up/down arrow until the option you want is highlighted andpress OK.Your Address Book information prints out.Scanning originals and sending to yourcomputer (Scan to PC)You can scan an image on the machine via the Samsung Scan and FaxManager program that is installed in your networked computer.For USB connected machineThis is a basic scanning method for usb connected machine.1. Make sure that the machine is connected to your computer and poweredon.2. Load originals face up into the document feeder, or place a singleoriginal face down on the scanner glass(See "Loading originals" on page 1).3. Press (Scan/Email) on the control panel.4. Press the up/down arrow to highlight Scan To PC and press OK.5. Press the up/down arrow to highlight Local PC and press OK.If you see Not Available message, check the port connection.6. Press the up/down arrow until the application program you want ishighlighted and press OK.Default setting is My Documents.To add or delete the folder where the scanned file is saved, add ordelete the application program in Samsung Scan and FaxManager > Properties > Set Scan Button.7. Press the up/down arrow until the setting you want is highlighted andpress OK.•Resolution: Sets the image resolution.•Scan Color: Sets the color mode.•Scan Format: Sets the file format in which the image is to be saved.•Scan Size: Sets the image size.•Scan Format appears only when you selected the Scandestination to My Documents.•If you want to scan from the default setting, press Start.8. Scanning begins.•Scanned image is saved in computer’s My Documents > MyPictures > Samsung folder.•You can use Twain driver to scan quickly in Samsung Scan andFax Manager program.•You can also scan by pressing Window’s Start > Control Panel >Samsung Scan and Fax Manager > Quick Scan.For network connected machineMake sure the scanner printer driver is installed on your computer using thesoftware CD, since the printer driver includes the scan program it does notneed to be installed separartely in most cases (See "Installing networkconnected machine’s driver" on page 3).1. Make sure that your machine and the computer are connected to anetwork and Samsung Scan and Fax Manager is installed on thecomputer.2. Load originals face up into the document feeder, or place a singleoriginal face down on the scanner glass.3. Press (Scan/Email) on the control panel.4. Press the up/down arrow to highlight Scan To PC and press OK.5. Press the up/down arrow to highlight Network PC and press OK.If you see Not Available message, check the port connection.6. Select your registered computer ID, and enter the Password ifnecessary.•ID is the same ID as the registered Computer ID for SamsungScan and Fax Manager.•Password is the 4 digit number registered Password forSamsung Scan and Fax Manager.7. Press the up/down arrow until the application program you wanthighlights and press OK.Default setting is My Documents.To add or delete the folder where the scanned file is saved, add ordelete the application program in Samsung Scan and FaxManager > Properties > Set Scan Button.8. Press the up/down arrow until the setting you want is highlighted andpress OK.•Resolution: Sets the image resolution.•Scan Color: Sets the color mode.•Scan Format: Sets the file format in which the image is to be saved.•Scan Size: Sets the image size.•Scan Format appears only when you selected the Scandestination to My Documents.•If you want to scan from the default setting, press Start.9. Scanning begins.•Scanned image is saved in computer’s My Documents > MyPictures > Samsung folder.•You can use Twain driver to scan quickly in using the SamsungScan and Fax Manager program.•You can also scan by pressing Window’s Start > Control Panel >