Connections 122Section 9: ConnectionsThis section describes the various connections your phone canmake including accessing the Internet with your Browser, Wi-Fi,Bluetooth, and Connecting your PC.BrowserYour phone is equipped with, your access to themobile web. This section explains how to navigate introduces you to the basic features.Accessing the Mobile WebTo access the Browser: At the Home screen, tap Browser . The displays.The HomepageWhen you access the Browser, the homepagedisplays. The green bar at the top of the display will disappearwhen the page is fully loaded. The homepagecontains the following items:• My Main Tab: The Main Tab is the homepage.• New Tab: This option allows you to create a new page that you cancustomize. You can name it, personalize it, and drag and drop contentfrom other tabs.• Add Content: This option allows you to add content to your webpage.You can add things like Facebook, TV Listings, Yahoo! Mail Preview,etc.• Change Appearance: This option allows you to choose and customizea theme, change the layout, and set the font size of your webpage.• More Options:– My Yahoo! Reader: The Reader lets you view articles without leavingMy Yahoo! when feed publishers have provided the full articles. If youprefer to read articles on the publisher’s site, you can turn the Readeroff for all feeds.– Article Preview: When sweep over headlines you can read a snippet ofthe article without leaving My Yahoo!. If you prefer not to see the articlepreview, you can turn it off for all web pages.– Article Timestamps: This setting allows you to show or hide thetimestamps that are placed after headlines on your page to indicatewhen articles were published.– Auto Refresh: This option reloads your tabs automatically to get thelatest information. If you prefer to refresh your tabs manually, you canturn this feature off.– Search Assist: This option offers relevant keywords in real-time as youtype. You can choose them by scrolling through the list.i897 Page 122 Monday, July 19, 2010 12:26 PM