Messaging 92Message ThreadsSent and received text and picture messages are grouped intomessage threads. Threaded messages allow you to see all themessages exchanged (similar to a chat program) and displays acontact on the screen. Message threads are listed in the order inwhich they were received, with the latest message displayed atthe top.To open a threaded message follow these steps:1. From the main Home screen, touch Messaging .Touch the message thread you want to view.2. Touch and hold the message thread to display thefollowing options:• View contact: displays the contact’s information. This option onlydisplays if the sender is in your Contacts list.• Add to Contacts: displays the Contacts information screen. Thisoption only displays if the sender is not in your Contacts list.• Delete thread: displays a confirmation dialog box that whenpressed, deletes the entire thread.Deleting MessagesDeleting a single message1. From the main Home screen, touch Messaging .2. Touch and hold a message, then touch Delete thread.3. At the Delete? prompt, touch Yes to delete or No to cancel.Deleting multiple messages1. From the main Home screen, touch Messaging .2. Touch ➔ Delete Thread.3. Touch each message you want to delete. A checkmark willappear beside each message you select.4. Touch Delete.5. At the Delete? prompt, touch Yes to delete or No to cancel.Message SearchYou can search through your messages by using the MessageSearch feature.1. From the main Home screen, touch Messaging .2. Touch ➔ Search.3. Use the on-screen keypad to enter a word or phrase tosearch for, then touch .i897 Page 92 Monday, July 19, 2010 12:26 PM