Applications 123• Day: the calendar displays the selected day with any eventshighlighted.• List: the Event List displays all events that you have added for alldates in the order that they appear.Calendar Options From any Calendar view, press to display the followingoptions:• Search: allows you to search through your calendar for aparticular word or words.• Create: allows you to create a new event for any day or timeperiod.• Go to: allows you to go to any date on your calendar.• Today: takes you to today’s date, if you are not already there.• Delete: displays the event list, where you can select events todelete.• Settings: displays the following calendar settings:– Calendars: displays all calendars they you have created.– Calendar sync: allows you to sync your calendar with other accountssuch as email or social accounts.– Default view: allows you to set the default view to Month, Week, Day,or List.– Day views: allows you to set the Day view to display with times listedor as a list of events. Select Time grid or Event List.– First day of week: allows you to set the first day of the week toSunday or Monday. This will affect how the Month view calendar isdisplayed.– Hide declined events: will not display events you have received fromothers if you have declined them.– Lock time zone: allows you to lock your time zone, so if you move toanother time zone, times and dates will not change.– Select time zone: allows you to select the time zone that you want tokeep if you previously activated the Lock time zone option.– Set alerts & notifications: allows you to set how your alerted forevents. Tap on Alert, Status bar notification, or Off.– Vibrate: allows you to set the Event notification tone to vibrate Always,Only in Silent mode or Never.Calendar View Event ListCurrent DayDays withEvents forEventsPrevious Month Next MonthSelected Day