666. Press the Camera key until the shutter sounds. (The pictureis automatically stored within your designated storagelocation. If no microSD is installed, all pictures are stored onthe Phone.) For more information, refer to “CameraOptions” on page 66.Note: The number of JPEG pictures remaining on the selected media appearsin the upper-right of the screen. This is an approximate number of totalpictures that can be taken at the current image size.7. To view the photo you have just taken, tap the thumbnailimage of the photo at the lower right corner of the screen(see Image Viewer in the diagram above).8. While viewing a picture, after you have taken it, tap tozoom in or to zoom out.– or –Place two fingers on the screen and move them apart ortogether to zoom in or out.You can magnify the picture upto x4.9. Press to return to the viewfinder.Camera OptionsOptions are represented by icons across both sides of the screen.Note: The options disappear after a few seconds. Tap the screen to makethem reappear.Display ImageResolutionSettingsPictures RemainingCameraKeyImageViewerModeSelf shotShootingFlashExposureValueModeCamera / Camcorder Mode: allows you to take a photo orvideo. Once you change the mode, the correspondingindicator appears at the top left of the display.