Contacts and Your Address Book 49Section 5: Contacts and Your Address BookThis section allows you to manage your daily contacts by storingtheir name and number in your Address Book. Address Bookentries can be sorted by name, entry, or group.Note: When storing an Address Book entry into your SIM card, note that onlythe name, phone number, group, and slot location are initially offered asfields (some SIM cards may allow an address as well). Although youmay add additional fields to a SIM entry; if you move that same SIM cardto another model phone, it is possible that only the basic information willbe transferred.Adding a New ContactUse the following procedure to add a new contact to your AddressBook.Saving a Number from the Home screen1. From the main Home screen, tap Contacts .Note: When adding contacts to your SIM, only Name, Phone number, and Emailaddress fields are displayed. The following steps describe adding a newcontact entry to your phone.2. Tap the image icon and assign a picture to the new entry bychoosing one of three options:• Album to retrieve a previously stored image from your folder andassign it to this entry. Tap an image to assign the image to thecontact, then tap Save.• Take photo to use the camera to take a new picture and assign itto this entry.• Remove icon although not an option with a new entry, deletes anypreviously assigned image on an existing contact.3. Tap the Given name and Family name fields and use the on-screen keypad to enter names for each entry. For moreinformation, refer to “Entering Text” on page 42.4. Tap next to the Family name field to display additionalname fields.5. Tap the Phone field.The numerical keypad is displayed.The Mobile button initially displays next to thePhone field. If you want to add a phone number that is not amobile number, tap the Mobile button and select fromMobile, Home, Work, Work Fax, Home Fax, Pager, Other,Custom (add your own label), or Callback.Mobile