128Location and security.2. Tap Use wireless networks. A green checkmark indicates thefeature is enabled.3. Press Wireless and network Wi-Fi settings.4. Tap Wi-Fi to turn Wi-Fi on.5. Log on to your Google account. For more information, referto “Creating a New Google Account” on page 7.6. Press Latitude .The Friends screen is displayed with any suggested friendslisted.7. Press See map.Your location is displayed on the map, accurate to 30meters.Latitude Options1. Press to display the following options:• Search: allows you to search for a place of interest.• Directions: displays navigation directions to a location from astarting point.• Starred Places: allows you to see locations you have marked as afavorite such as restaurants, museums, parks, and so forth. Pressand hold on a location and when the screen displays with theaddress, tap the star in the upper-right corner. It will be listed inyour Starred Places.• Clear Map: allows you to remove all markings and layers from themap.• Latitude: lets you and your friends share locations and statusmessages with each other. It also lets you send instant messagesand emails, make phone calls, and get directions to your friends’locations.• More: allows you to select the following additional options:– Labs: this is a testing ground for experimental features that aren’tready for primetime. They may change, break or disappear at anytime. Click on a Lab to enable or disable it.– Cache settings: lets you adjust the memory cache.– Help: displays the Google Mobile Help web page where you canreceive help on Google Maps.– Terms, Privacy & Notices: displays the Terms and Conditions,Privacy Policy, o r Legal Notices information. Select the desiredinformation from the pop-up menu.– About: displays general information about Google maps such asVersion, Platform, Locale, Total data sent, Total data received, Freememory, etc.2. Tap the following icons at the top of the display for thefollowing additional options: