Multimedia 67Self shot: allows you to switch to the front camera so you cantake pictures of yourself or video chat.Shooting mode: allows you to set the shooting mode.Options are:• Single shot: take a single photo and view it beforereturning to the shooting mode.• Smile shot: the camera focuses on the face of yoursubject. Once the camera detects the person’s smile, ittakes the picture.• Continuous: takes a succession of consecutive photosby pressing and holding the Camera key.• Panorama: takes a landscape photo by taking an initialphoto and then adding additional images to the file.Slowly move the phone in any direction and align thegreen guide box with the viewfinder. When you havealigned the frame and viewfinder, the camera willautomatically take the next photo.Repeat this step forup to 8 segments.• Add me: lets you take two halves of the photoseparately, so the person taking the photo can beadded. Tap the screen to pick which side of the screento focus on. Press the camera key. Tap the other sideof the screen. Press the camera key a second time totake the other half.• Action shot: detects action and creates a panorama ofthe moving object.• Cartoon: gives your photo a cartoon look.Flash: allows you to set the flash options to Off, On, or Autoflash (camera determines when the flash is needed).Exposure value: allows you to adjust the brightness level bymoving the slider across the screen.A