18Places:Places is an application that uses Google Maps and yourlocation to help you find Restaurants, Coffee, Bars,Attractions, ATMs, Gas Stations and Explore Nearby. Youcan also add your own locations. For more information, referto “Places” on page 136.QuickOffice:The Quickoffice application allows you to create and saveMicrosoft Word and Excel documents. You can also viewexisting Powerpoint presentations and PDFs.Samsung Apps:Samsung Apps allows you to easily download anabundance of useful applications to your phone.Settings:This icon navigates to the sound and phone settings for yourphone. It includes such settings as: display, security,memory, and any extra settings associated with your phone.For more information, refer to “Changing Your Settings” onpage 85.Talk:Google Talk is a free Windows and web-based applicationfor instant messaging offered by Google. Conversation logsare automatically saved to a Chats area in your Gmailaccount. For more information, refer to “Google Talk” onpage 83.Task Manager:The Task Manager application provides information aboutthe processes and programs running on your tablet, as wellas the memory status. It can also be used to terminateprocesses and applications. For more information, refer to“Task Manager” on page 138.Videos:The Videos application plays video files you have taken ordownloaded. For more information, refer to “ViewingVideos” on page 64.Voice Recorder:The Voice Recorder allows you to record an audio file up toone minute long and then immediately send it as a message.For more information, refer to “Voice Recorder” onpage 138.