OfficeServ 7400 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 JUNE 2006MMC: 224 WAKE-UP AADESCRIPTION:This MMC is designed to enhance the Wake Up feature. The system will play arecorded Prompt when a Wake Up call is answered by the user. The Wake UpAnnouncement feature will require that a SVMi-20E be installed in the system andwill access the customized Wake Up Prompt (001-9999) that has been recorded onthe SVMi-20E as a Prompt. The end user will record this Prompt and have the abilityto change it when desired using the TUI System Administrator or GUI Voice Studio.The Wale Up PMT will have no default Prompt assigned to it.This feature offers a busy overflow destination. In the event that the AA group isbusy, the guest would receive MOH upon answering the wake up call.This MMC has three options:Option DescriptionAA GROUP (STATION GROUP) Determines which station group will beconnected when a Wake Up call isanswered. This destination must be anystation group assigned as “VMSUCD”.MESSAGE NO (PROMPT NO.) Determines which message will be playedwhen a Wake Up call is answered. Thisdestination can be a custom recordedmessage. (Message #1000~9999)*GROUP BUSY Determines which tone source will beconnected when AA group members areall busy. This destination can be a NONE,TONE or extern music on hold.If NONE is set then dial tone is connected,if TONE is set then hold tone isconnected.* Message #5049~5064 have pre-recorded Auto Attendant (AA) default messagesprogrammed and can be over-written. Do not use this range of messages forWake-Up messages if you want to preserve the AA messages.