OfficeServ 7400 INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 5 MAY 20105.3Table 5.1 Consumption Per DeviceCARD Name DeviceTypeCurrent Consumptionfor Each Device (mA)16DLI2 2-Line LCD Keyset 2516SLI216MWSLIAnalog Phone 25MW Phone 30PLIM/PLIM2 orGPLIM(current drawnfrom connecteddevices)ITP-5021D, ITP-5107S, ITP-5121D 100ITP-5112L 130SMT-R2000 Dual AP 200SMT-i3105 83SMT-i5210 127SMT-i5220, SMT-i5230 107SMT-i5243 156SMT-i5264 100DATA(current drawnfrom modules)GWIM/GWIMT 450GSIM/GSIMT 320GPLIM/GPLIMT 35IF ADDING GPLIM/GPLIMT/PLIM/PLIM2 CONNECTED DEVICES, GWIM/GWIMT ORGSIM/GSIMT MODULES CAUSE CURRENT DRAWN TO EXCEED 6600mA PER CABINET (notper system), THEN YOU MUST CONNECT THE OS7150 EXTERNAL PoE POWER SUPPLYMODULE TO THE CABINET.It is important to note that the OS7150 can only provide additional power to the PLIM, PLIM2,GPLIM/GPLIMT, GWIM/GWIMT and GSIM/GSIMT. The OS7150 is used when the GSIM/GSIMT,GWIM/GWIMT or PoE devices connected to GPLIM/PLIM causes the total current draw percabinet to exceed 6600mA. It does not provide power to DLI ports, MWSLI ports and othersystem interface cards.The internal jumpers must be set correctly for the four modules mentioned above to use theexternal OS7150 PoE power supply.PRODUCT SAFETYElectric ShockMake sure to turn this product OFF when handling this product. Handling this product withAC power ON may cause electric shock.