OfficeServ 7400 INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 5 MAY 20105.12Figure 5.10 GroundingCONNECTING POWERConnecting an External BatteryA battery can be connected to the 7150 so in case of a power failure, the unit will continuenormal operation attaining power from the battery. Battery capacity should be DC48V, 45AHor lower. Before connecting the battery to the 7150, turn OFF power to the system.Observe the following safety requirements when connecting an external battery to thesystem: Disconnect and turn off all power to the 7150 before connecting the battery. Disconnect any connections to an OfficeServ 7400 system. Pay attention to polarity (+,-) orientation of the battery when connecting to the system.1) A battery cable comes with the OfficeServ 7150 cabinet. One end of the battery cable is agreen keyed plastic connector. The other end is made up of a red wire and a blue wire.2) Connect the green keyed connector into the battery connection port of the OfficeServ7150. The connector is keyed so you can only insert it in one way. Press it in until it ispushed in all the way (See Figure 5.11). At the other end of the battery cable, connect thered wire to the (+) Positive terminal lug of your battery, and connect the blue wire to the (-) negative terminal lug of your battery.