Options during a call443. To join the first participant to the multi-partycall, press the Options soft key or the keyand select the Join option. Press the OK softkey or the key.4. To add a new person to the multi-party call, callthe new person in the normal way and press theOptions soft key or the key. Select the Joinoption and press the OK soft key or the key.You can add incoming callers by answering the call,pressing the Options soft key or the key, andselecting the Join option. Repeat as required.Having a private conversation with oneparticipant1. Press the Options soft key or the key andselect the Select one option. Press the OK softkey or the key.The list of call participants appears.2. Highlight a person from the list by pressingthe Up or Down key and press the key.3. When the Private option highlights, press theOK soft key or the key.Now you can talk privately to that person. Theother participants can still converse with eachother.4. To return to the multi-party call, press theOptions soft key or the key and select theJoin option. Press the OK soft key or the key.All the multi-party call participants can now heareach other.Options during a call45Dropping one participant1. Press the Options soft key or the key andselect the Select one option. Press the OK softkey or the key.The list of call participants appears.2. Highlight a person from the list by pressingthe Up or Down key and press the key.3. Press the Down key to select the Removeoption and press the OK soft key or the key.The call with that participant ends, but you cancontinue to talk to the others.4. When you want to end the multi-party call, closethe phone or press the key.