Messages88When a new multimedia message comes in, thedisplay shows the MMS Message icon ( ) and atext notification along with the sender’s number.1. Press the View soft key or the key to viewbrief information about the message, such asthe sender’s number, the message size and thesubject.If you want to view the message later in theInbox, press the C key or the soft key.2. Press the Up or Down key to scroll through themessage information.You can access the following options by pressingthe Options soft key or the key:• Retrieve: retrieves the message from theMMS server.• Delete: deletes the message.• More properties: shows you detailedinformation about the message.3. Select the Retrieve option to read the message.Your phone retrieves the message contents fromthe server and displays it.4. Press the Up or Down key to scroll through themessage.5. When you have finished, press the key.Viewing a message from the InboxWhen you access the Inbox menu (Menu 5.2.2),the list of multimedia messages you have receiveddisplays along with the message subjects. The iconson the left tell you the status of the messages.Messages89• : MMS notifications that have been opened.• : MMS notifications that have not beenopened.• : You have set an enquiry to the MMS serverrequesting the message be sent to yourphone.• : The MMS server is processing your request.• : The MMS server is unable to send themessage to your phone.• : Messages that have been opened.• : Messages that have not been opened.1. Select a message on the list and press the Viewsoft key or the key.The message displays and scrolls to the nextpage, if it has one, after a specified time.2. Press the OK soft key or the key to go to themessage view screen.Or, the display automatically switches to thescreen after a specified time.3. Press the Up or Down key to scroll through themessage.If the message has more than one page, youcan scroll through the pages by using the Leftand Right keys.4. Press the or key to scroll to the previousor the next message.While viewing a message, you can access theMessages options by pressing the Options soft keyor the key.