2 – Basic operational concepts : CF cards32 TASCAM DM-4800 User’s ManualCF cardsMake sure that you have a CF card with sufficientspace on it to hold the project (one with at least32MB, such as the one supplied with the DM-4800,is recommended).NOTEThe DM-4800 does not retain unsaved project datawhen the power is turned off. Always save project databefore turning off the DM-4800. See “Shutting downthe DM-4800” on page 33.The capacity of the card determines the number ofprojects that can be stored on it (there is a maximumof 128 projects that can be stored on one card).The size of a project depends on the number oflibrary entries, and the amount and complexity of theautomation data which forms part of the project.Insert the card into the CF slot, pin socket edge first,and the maker’s label towards the display (there isoften an arrow printed on the card which shouldmatch the arrow printed on the DM-4800’s toppanel).To eject a card, remove the TASCAM card cover, andpress the square eject button just below the card slot.CAUTIONTo avoid possible data loss or corruption, we stronglyrecommend that you only remove cards while the DM-4800 is turned off. No physical damage will be caused toeither the unit or the card if you insert or remove cardswith the power turned on, though.Note that the TASCAM card slot cover may prevent youfrom seeing whether a card is actually properly insertedor not. Always make sure the card is properly insertedafter the mixer has been transported, or the eject but-ton has accidentally been touched. We recommendkeeping the card cover in place at all times, to avoiddust etc. contaminating the card slot contacts.Formatting a new cardNew cards must be prepared before use (the one sup-plied with the DM-4800 is already formatted). Onceformatted by the DM-4800, the card is formatted inFAT-32 format, allowing it to be backed up easily toa personal computer fitted with a CF card reader.1 Enter the UTILITY screen, and jump to theSYSTEM page (you can continue pressing theUTILITY key until this page appears):2 Move to the CF CARD FORMAT section, and use theENTER key to press the on-screen FORMATbutton.3 A popup appears asking if you are sure youwant to format the card. Press ENTER to con-tinue (at any point before formatting starts,you can press a cursor key to exit).4 One more popup appears, reminding you thatthe data on the card will be erased. PressENTER to continue with the format operation.As the card is being formatted, a popupappears.NOTEAs this popup reminds you, the power to the DM-4800should not be turned off while the formatting opera-tion is taking place, otherwise the card will probably beunreadable.• When the card has been formatted, a Completedpopup appears briefly. The card can then beused.• A failure in the formatting produces a mes-sage inviting a retry. If a card cannot be refor-matted after a number of attempts, it isprobably faulty, and you are advised not touse this card with the DM-4800.• You can jump from this screen directly to theproject management (see “About projects andlibraries” on page 34) or the library managementscreens (see “Library management” on page 38).• The DM-4800 system date and time can be set here(see “Setting the date and time” on page 35).Figure 2.26: Formatting a CF card