2 – Basic operational concepts : OptionsTASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual 43Otherwise, if the AUTOMATION option is selected,these indicators show the current automation statusof the channels, as explained in the separate Automa-tion Manual.FADER SENSITIVITY This parameter allows youto specify the sensitivity of the faders, as used in theautomation process.The DM-4800 fader touch sensing capabilities aredependent on the ambient humidity and environment.Depending on these factors, it may sometimes hap-pen that faders which have been touched are not rec-ognized as having been touched, or the faders arerecognized as having been touched when they havenot actually been touched.The value of the sensitivity is set by default to3.3kHz, but you may wish to set it to any of the fol-lowing values: 1.2kHz, 1.4kHz, 1.7kHz, 2.0kHz,2.5kHz, 3.3kHz, 5.0kHz. High values mean highertouch sensitivity.While the FADER SENSITIVITY on-screen button isswitched ON and this screen is visible, touching anyof the faders with your fingers will illuminate theSTATUS/OL indicator for as long as the fader istouched. This provides a useful check for the sensi-tivity of the faders.TIPSet this to a higher value if the indicators do not lightwhen you touch some faders, and to a lower value ifthey remain lit when you release some faders.PREFERENCESThe following general working preference settingsare available from this screen:Fader Auto MODULE Select When enabled,this option allows a module to be selected wheneverits fader is touched, in addition to the usual methodof pressing the SEL key. In some screens, when thisoption is enabled, this may only mean that the mod-ule shown at the top left of the screen changes whenits fader is touched.CH SOLO Key Auto MODULE Select Whenthis is enabled, soloing a channel selects the module.Select MODULE Return When checked, thisoption allows the MODULE screen of the appropriatemodule to appear if the SEL key of the module ispressed and held for about two seconds.ST Link by SEL key When checked, this optionallows the stereo linking of two adjacent modules(when the left module of the pair is odd-numbered)by pressing and holding the SEL key of one moduleand pressing the SEL key of the other.SEL Key Follows Fader Layer Status allowsthe setup of the automatic linking of the selectedchannel to the selected fader layer.When this option is checked, if a channel is selected,the fader layer is changed, and then the fader layer ischanged back again, the originally-selected channelis automatically selected.For example, if this option is active, and SEL 2 key islit with fader layer 1-16 active, fader layer 17-32 isthen selected, SEL key 3 (channel 19) is selected,and then fader layer 1-16 is then re-selected, SEL key2 will be active.If the option is not active, no SEL key which is litremains lit when the fader layer is changed.Meter Follows SEL key When this option ischecked, and the previous SEL Key Follows Fader LayerStatus option is also checked, the meter layer auto-matically changes when the fader layer is changed(see “Meters” on page 69). The modes are as fol-lows:Figure 2.40: The PREFERENCES screenFader layer SEL keys Meter layerCH 1–24 CH 1–24 CH 1–24CH 25–48 CH 25–48 CH 25–48CH 49–64 CH 49–64 CH 49–64BUSS 1–24 BUSS 1–246 BUSSAUX 1–12 AUX 1–12 AUXFigure 2.41: Layer/SEL key matching