5 – Channel modules : Surround operationsTASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual 89When pan mode is on, the channel settings in theBUSS ASSIGN screen look like all the channels in sur-round set 3 (surround matrix 3) and channels 25through 30 in surround matrix 2 in Figure 5.26, Sur-round assignment.When pan mode is off, the channel settings in theBUSS ASSIGN screen look like all channels in surroundset 1 (surround matrix 1), and channels 31 and 32 insurround matrix 2as shown in Figure 5.26, Surroundassignment:The difference between these two modes is that whenpan mode is off, the channels can be assigned indi-vidually to the surround channels (following Table5.8, Buss assignments in surround mode).When pan mode is on, the channels can be assignedto the surround matrices as a whole (either 1, 2 or 3).• In both cases, the POD 3 encoder is used to setthe modules displayed on screen (the SEL keyscan also be used).• The POD 4 encoder is used to select the bussesto which the module is assigned, and theENTER key is used to assign the module, orrelease the module from the assignment.• The ASSIGN indicators also mirror the cur-rent assignment status, and the ASSIGN keyscan also be used to make or break assign-ments.Note that when the pan mode is on, all the ASSIGNindicators of one buss group (surround matrix) areturned on with one key.Surround panningThere are two ways of viewing and setting the panposition in the surround modes: an overview and adetailed channel view (the L-R balance can also beset in the FADER screen).In the overview screen, 24 modules’ basic surroundpanning facilities are displayed:• Use the POD 3 encoder to select surroundmatrix 1, 2 or 3 (SRND SET).• Use the POD 4 encoder to select the first 24channel module layer, the second 24 or thethird 16 module layer (LAYER).Using the same assignments as in Figure 5.26, Sur-round assignment, the modules where the pan modeis off (channels 31 and 32 in matrix 2 in Figure 5.27,Surround overview) cannot have any parameterschanged.However, for channels with the pan mode on (chan-nels 25 through 30 in matrices 2 and 3 in Figure 5.26,Surround assignment), the following controls may beused:• POD 1 moves the channel position (shown as adot in the square) around from left to right(LR), and POD 2 moves it from front to rear(FR).NOTEIn this screen, and the module surround screen, settingsare made independently for each channel, regardless ofthe current channel link status.Figure 5.26: Surround assignmentFigure 5.27: Surround overview