4 – Routing & assignment : Monitoring68 TASCAM DM-4800 User’s ManualTalkback, etc.The internal talkback microphone is located abovethe meters. The sensitivity of the microphone isadjusted using the T/B control next to themicrophone.The TO SLATE and TO STUDIO keys are both “smartkeys”. When active, they route the talkback micro-phone to the busses and/or aux sends as selectedbelow, and to the studio respectively, and dim thecontrol room outputs.The MONO key (also a “smart key”) provides monocontrol room monitoring, combining the left andright signals into one mono signal.Talkback source However, note that the internaltalkback microphone does not have to be used as thetalkback source. Any one of the mic/line sources canbe selected as a communication source (for example,a boundary field microphone situated in a large con-trol room can allow comments from a productiongroup to be routed to the artistes in the studio).Select the talkback source (T/B SOURCE) in theMONITOR OSC/COM screen:Use the cursor to navigate to this field, the wheel tomake the selection between INT T/B MIC (internalmicrophone) and MIC/LINE 1 through 24. Press ENTERto confirm the setting.Slate definition The COMMUNICATION fields allowyou to choose the busses and aux sends which willact as the “slate” when the TO SLATE key is enabledfor sending talkback. Any combination of busses,aux sends and the stereo buss can be selected (cursorkeys and ENTER key) as slate destination. Linking ofbusses and aux sends has no effect on this screen.Oscillator and noise generatorIn order to help with signal tracing, the setting ofSPLs, etc., the DM-4800 provides an internal tone/noise generator.The POD 1 switch turns the generator on and off.Use POD 2 to set the type of generator: either a sine-wave oscillator (SINE), a white noise generator(WHITE), or a pink noise generator (PINK).POD 3 sets the frequency if the sine wave oscillatorhas been selected. There are four choices: 100Hz,440Hz (standard tuning A), 1kHz and 10kHz.POD 4 sets the level from –36dBFS to 0dBFS in 0.5dBsteps. Remember that –16dBFS is the nominal level,so you can use this setting when setting up SPLs, etc.for your monitoring system.Oscillator destination Use the OSCILLATOR fields(cursor keys and ENTER key) to route the generatorfields to any combination of busses, aux sends or thestereo buss. This is an extremely useful “patch-free”method of signal tracing.Figure 4.9: Monitor oscillator and communicationscreen