FEATURES AND FUNCTIONSINPUT CHANNEL SECTION0 MIC INput ConnectorThis is a three pin X LR-type co nnecto r fo r usewith balanced signals with an i mpedance of fro m50 to 600 o hms . While the co nnecto r is identifiedas a "M IG" input, in actuality it can be used fo rbalanc ed L I N E LEVE L signal as wel l .By using the T R I M and 30 dB Pad Switch theMIG I Nput Co nnecto r can accept balanced linelevel signals of +28 dBm ( 1 9.5 V).8 LINE INputThis 1 /4" Pho ne jack is pro vided fo r use withunbalanced Ll N E LEVEL signals with a sou rceimpedance o f 1 0 k oh ms o r less.@)TAPE or RETURN INput - Channels 1·8ONLYThese RCA-type pho no jacks are NOT locatedwith the rest of the channel input co nnecto rs,but can be fo und near the PGM OUTputs.Signals f ro m these j acks are internally ro utedto channels 1 -8 fo r remix and talent cues. Tothe mo nito r system fo r co ntrol roo m mo nito ringof 4 o r 8 track reco rders without having tochange the co ntro ls o r setting of the inputchannels.See page 29 fo r Tape Return Signal Routes.0 LI N E SwitchThis switch determines the signal to be ro utedthro ugh the input channels. I n the "up" positio n(mic). the signal fro m the XLR is selected. I nthe Ll N E o r "do wn" po sitio n, the signal in thechannel will be either the signal fro m the L l N EI N co nnecto r, o r the TAPE I Ns o n inputs 1-8ONLY. The tape signal is auto matically availableif no signal is plugged into the 1 /4" L I NE I Nputjack .0 Pad SwitchThe pad switch allows the additio n of a 30 dBresistive pad to the channels' MIG input level.This is pro vided fo r use and co ntro l of eitherextremely high mic signals o r when the X LR isused with balanced line level signals.0T R I MThis dual co ncentric co ntro l is used i n co njunctio n with the OL (OverLoad) Indicato r. T R I Mwill reduce the level o f those input signals whichwo uld o therwise o verload the channel's elect ro n ics. Each channel has a M IG T R I M and a141·0·D·0·0'"0""®)- '' - .QOO fVE..g�• DPflfli D,.TAPE ININSERTD OUT®0liNE ININSERTliiOPGM OUT@@5"'®, 1@�f.GM�fJ'" !:l""L I N E (Tape) T R I M to avo id having to reset theT R I M and/o r Fader when switching betw eenM IG I Nput and LI N E I Nput (Tape).a. M IG T R I M - Upper KnobThis co ntro l provides variable attenuatiO nfo r signals fro m the X L R co nnecto r. I f additio nal signal reductio n is needed, fo r extreme-