., TALKBACK MIC ConnectorThis female XLR-type connector allows aded icated talkback mic such as the TASCAMmodel MC-70 1 G to be added to the M -3 1 2 andM-320 mixers.� TALKBACK LEVEL ControlThis rotary volume control determines the signallevel sent from the TB mic to the selected busses.., TALKBACK SELECT SwitchesThese six (6) switches provide bussing of theTalkback signal to the following internal circuits; PGM Busses 1 -4, STE REO Left and Rightbusses, AUX 1 , AUX 2, AUX 3, and AUX 4.Any combination of switches may be selectedsimu ltaneously.� TALKBACK MASTER SwitchThis large, protected, momentary switch connects the output or the Talkback section to theselect switches. Pressing this switch also sendsan electronic control signal to the Solo Controlcircuit which mutes the normal signal andreplaces it with the Talkback signal. This eliminates any possibility of feedback loops throughthe Monitor system.& METER Select SwitchThe last two meters, L and R, d isplay levels ofthe signals selected on the M ETER select switchrack.The meter L displays the signal level at theSTE R EO OUT L, EXT I N 1 L, EXT I N 2 L,E F F ECT OUTPUT, AUX 1 OUTPUT or AUX 3OUTPUT, when the respective METER selectswitches are pressed . The meter R displays thesignal level at the STE R EO OUT R , EXT IN 1R, EXT I N 2 R , MONO OUT, AUX 2 OUTPUTor AUX 4 OUTPUT, depend ing on the METERselect switch sett ings.® Light TerminalThis "BNC" connector is provided, 1 on the 3 1 2and 2 on the 320 for the attachment of LittleLights. The connectors supply 1 2 V , 5 W max.28ADDITIONAL REAR PAN E L FEATURESCD SUB IN JacksThese jacks all perform the same function -they provide access into the i ntermediate stagesof various busses. The signals are added to thebuss just prior to the master level or outputfader control. This al lows externally producedand mixed signals to be added to the internalsignals being mixed; thus, the signals fromanother 300 Series or similar mixer could bepatched into the you rs. The second mixer wouldthen become the master, controlling the finalsignals of both units.PGM SUB I N Jacks 1 -4Provide access to the tour sub-groups.R and L SUB I N JacksProvide access to the main ST E R EO BUSSES.E F F SUB IN JacksProvide access to the E F F ECT SEND buss.AUX SUB I N JacksProvide access to the AUX 1 and 2 busses onthe M-308. And, the AUX 1, 2 , 3 and 4 busseson the M-3 1 2 and M-320.EXT SOLO and SENSEThis 1 /4" stereo phone jack allows externalsolo signals and control signals to be added tothe on -board system. The Tip connector acceptsthe external solo signal, the Ring connectoraccepts the external solo control signal whilethe sleeve is gound.TAPE INsEach Program section carries the TAPE INconnectors tor two tape tracks or inputs. PROG RAM 1 has TAPE INs 1 & 5, PGM 2 has2 & 6, PGM 3 has 3 & 7, and PGM 4 has 4 & 8.These are RCA-type IN jacks and are designedto handle line signals with a nominal level of-10 dB. As mentioned previously, these signalsare routed to 1) the corresponding L I N E I Nconnector (usable only if no connection is madeto the 1 /4" L I N E I N jack), and 2) to the respect ive TAPE RTN select switch. Thus, retu rningtape signals can be selectively routed to inputs,input auxil iaries, or to the tape monitor sections.