VIDEO PRODUCTION, POST PRODUCTION,AND AUDIO SWEETENINGMixing audio for video has become a demandingfield, due to the rising sophistication of both theproduction facilities and the viewing audience.With the prol iferation of cable T.V. systemsoffering stereo audio feeds as well as the comingstereo and mu ltichannel T.V. sound (MTS)systems for over the air programming, theawareness of the importance of quality audiowill continue to grow. Another rapidly emerg·ing area of importance is non-broadcast video.As corporate and industrial telecommunicationsexpand, the need for improved audio qualitywill keep pace. The TASCAM 300 Series hasall the features necessary to fulfill the audiocontrol needs of the small to medium production house or off line editing/sweetening facility.Virtually all popular brands and models of 1 /2"and 3/4" VCR's and 1" VT R's will interfacedirectly with the 300's.Typically, MONO or STE R EO audio signals froma variety of sources can be mixed simultaneously.These signals could originate from studio feeds,VCR's, VT R 's, voice-over (v.o.) mics, turntables,audio cassette or cart machines, or any othermic or line level source. The mixed signals canthen be assigned to the master video cassetteediting recorder. Since the 300 Series featuresfour PGM outputs in addition to the stereooutputs, multiple master copies of the audioprogram may be recorded. These additionalsignals may be remixed as clean feeds, withoutthe normal narration and voice-over mix. Thesemix-minus masters can be used for later dubbingin a second language.The AUX sends may be used to generate cuefeeds to the v.o. annou ncer or for connectionto the studio I F B (I nterruption Foldback) orP.L. (Private Line) systems. The E F F ECTSSEND and R ET U R N sections can be used forside chains of special audio effects. I n theexample shown, two source VT R 's are shown i na typical A-B roll editing situation. Two v.o.mics are also connected as well as two additionalaudio sources: a cassette and a cart mach ine.These latter two pieces can be used to add monoor stereo sound effects or wild track ambienceto the final mix. These machines could also beused to roll effects into the mix l ive or "on thefly".40Mon itoring of the various mix componentsand the final mix is handled through the 300'scomprehensive MON I TO R section and outputs,while the v.o. cues are taken from the A UX 1send.The edit MASTER R ECOR D E R receives signalsfrom the ST E R EO OUTputs while a clean international dub ( mix-minus narration and v.o.) isbeing recorded from PGM O UTputs.