PROGRAM MASTER SECTIONfb Program Master FaderEach o f the fo ur PROGRAM sec tio ns co ntain a1 00 mm Fader fo r the se tting o f the final PROGR AM o utput leve l . As in the case of theChannel Faders, e ach carries gradient scalemark i ngs fo r re lative leve l indicatio n .(6. Program I NSE RTion JackAs i n the channe l sectio n, the PROG RAMSECTIONS are fitted with a standard 1 /4"ste reo break jack , providing POST FADERaccess to the signal flow within the respectivePROG RAM. The input ( ring) side of this j ackprovides the final PROGRAM signal to theTAPE RTN S E LECT SWITCHES, A F L circuitand, of co urse , the vario us PROGRAM finalo utputs.� AFL (After Fader Listen) SwitchThe selectio n of this locking switch se nds thePROG RAM signal to the SOLO buss, providingthe o pe rating engineer access fo r mo nito ring thefinal PROGRAM co ntent. The take·o ff po int isafte r the PROGRAM FADER and I NSERTIONJACK.PROGRAM (GROUP) OUTPUT SECTI ON -REAR PAN E L FEATUREStil PGM OUTput Connector- XLRThis X LR type co nnecto r is designed to pro·vide an e lectro nically balanced o utput derivedpost fade r from pro gr ams 1-4. Be low each X L Ri s a two po sitio n sl ide switch which allows thesignal to be se lected as e ither balanced o r un·balanced, as required. When in the balancedpo sition, the o utput leve l is +4 dBm with pin3 high and pin 2 low and pin 1 s h ie ld . I n theunbalanced po sitio n , the o utput rem ains at+4 dBm , howeve r the pinout changes as fo llo ws:Pin 3 ho t, pin 2 and pin 1 shie ld .ti PGM OUTputs -·RCAThese RCA-type j ack s pro vide the same signalas fo und at the X LR co nnecto r, exce pt it isalways unbalanced and the nom i nal leve l is -10dBV. The PGM OUT RCA and X L R s are connected i n paralle l and can be use d sim u ltaneo usly.21"" �..�--' '+11/5t'»} \.Llll.wt,lvu