H '_,,.., r!1� �--- -vi� bJ. .. ··::::::n., ....""";ji: , :--0-----r---� ij,;.'"")• I) Ir.'rI I1i"'i :I II 1I I; I'7) Mic Pad (30 dB)With T R I M-MIC set as in paragraph 1 - 4. 6).press the mic pad switch, labeled 30 dB. I ncreasethe input level by 30 dB to compensate theinserted 30 dB pad. Confirm that the outputlevel at D.OUT is -10 dBV ±2 dB. After checking, reset the input level to nominal -60 d B Vand the mic pad switch to the "off" position.8) OL (Overload) I ndicator(MIC I N -> INSERT Send Contact)With T R IM-MIC set as in paragraph 1 -4. 6),increase the MIC IN level and confirm that theO L indicator turns on at + 1 7 dBV at the I NSERT Send Contact and turns off at + 1 3 dBV.I NSERTT R SR S4�--�·�·��)�;;;)RCVl:IT4=��s3E)T - Tip, send signalR - Ring, receive signalS - Sleeve, groundSEND9) Channel Assign Switches and PAN Controls(MIC I N -> PGM OUT 1 - 4, STEREO OUT·PUT L & R )Checking the PGM OUTs ( 1 ·4) and STEREOOUTPUTs ( L & R) should be performed withthe MIC IN circuits set as in paragraph 1 -4. 6 ) .Confirm that nominal output levels are obtained1 - 7(+4 dBm at XLR connectors, -10 dBV atRCA phono jacks) when PAN is turned fully left(assignment to ODD PGM/STEREO L busses)and fully right (assignment to EVEN PGM/STE R E O R busses). Also, confirm that the readings decrease 1 . 5 - 3.5 dB from nominal levelwhen PAN is set to the center position.�L RODD EVEN1 -5. MON(itor) OUT L & RWith the output level at STE REO OUT L & R,EXT IN 1 & 2, MONO OUT, E F F ECT OUTPUT, AUX OUTPUT 1 - 4 (AUX 3, 4 on 312and 320 only) set as i n paragraph 1 - 1 , confirmthat each of those output signals appears at theMON OUT jacks when the relative MON selectswitches are pressed. Use the MO N I TO R levelcontrol for a 0 dBu read ing at 1 /4" phone jacksand - 1 0 dBV at RCA phono jacks. When thePF L and AF L switches are depressed, themonitor signals above are interrupted and thechannel signal and the PGM signal, respectively,are sent to the MON OUT jacks passing throughthe SOLO level control.�chiS Indicators Monitor SourcesPFL LED lights red.Pre input .faderPFL E F F ECT RTN inputSOLO LED lights red. EXT SOLO inputAFL AFL LED lights red. PGM OUT 1 - 4SOLO LED lightsred.Confirm that all the monitor signals are interrupted when the T/B (TalkBack) switch onM-31 2/M320 is depressed.