E ight Track RecordingBefore we discuss the mixdown procedure, thisis an appropriate place to d iscuss another aspectof the 300 Series' flexibility. By this time, youshould be familiar with the eight (8) outputslabelled PGM OUT and eight (8) inputs labelledTAPE IN 1·8. This would indicate that the 300Series can perform eight track recording andm ixdown, which, indeed, they can. Since the300 Series is a four buss design, each busssupplies signal to a pair of PGM RCA typeoutputs. Each pair is controlled by a single PGMfader and the signal is identical at either jack.The pairs are grouped as follows: PGM 1, outputs 1 and 5, PGM 2, outputs 2 and 6, PGM 3,outputs 3 and 7, and PGM 4, outputs 4 and 8.By connecting an 8 track recorder in place ofthe 4 track deck as we have described, the trackbuilding process could be continued until all8 tracks are recorded.Mixdown ProcedureOnce the multitrack master tape has been completed, the next step is to mix it down to astandard two track stereo format. The procedureis similar to the recording process; howeverthere is usually no need for the studio musiciansto be present unless overdubbing is going tooccur. The only additional equipment requiredis a two track mastering recorder and anyauxil iary effects devices you feel may be needed .The basic hookup is straightforward : theSTE R EO LEFT and R I G H T O UTPUTS areconnected to the inputs of the 2 track while themachine's output are connected to the E XTernal1 Stereo L and R I Nput jacks. Any effectsdevices requi red can be patched through thevarious access points described on page 3 1 . I naddition to these patch points, a fifth methodis possible. This technique is trickier but ishandy if the returning signal is subject to levelvariations or requi res equalization. The inputof the effects device can be driven from anyappropriate access point or output. The outputof the device can then be connected to the L I N EI Nput of any unused channel. The retu rningsignal can then be routed and controlled as i fit were a normal input signal. Caution must beexercised to prevent the returning signal frombeing mixed with the original outgoing signal,or a feedback loop wi ll be created. This willcause a loud, howling sound and could causedamage to your equipment.Since the mu ltitrack machine's outputs areconnected to the TAPE I Ns, the mixdown canbe done entirely in the MON ITO R and STE REOMAST E R sections. Simply calibrate the equipment, . select the desired tape returns, set thetape return level and pan controls, set thefinal stereo levels, rehearse or preview themixdown, and roll tape.I f you need to re-equal ize a track, or use ex·ternal effects, no re-patching is required. Forexample, let's say track 1, our basic rhythmtrack, needs more low frequency power or"punch". Simply de-select the TAPE RTNswitch on MON ITOR section 1. Make sure noconnector is plugged into channel 1 's Ll N EI Nput jack, then press the L I N E switch onchannel 1. This automatically routes the track1 return to i n put channel 1. By assigning thechannel directly to the LEFT and R I GHTSTE R EO busses, the remixed signal can bere-introduced to the remainder of the signals.As with any recording session, once the mixdown is completed, review the results beforeyou repatch or put the equipment away. If theresults indicate the need to make changes, goback and do it again.39