CALIBRATING THE 300 SERIES MIXERS FOR RECORDINGCalibrating the 300 Mi xers is simply the processof matching the consoles' outputs to the rest ofthe equipment being used. I n this example, wewi ll assume you are using a 4 track recorder.The method we describe here can be used withvirtually any type of equipment you are likelyto encounter.1 . The first step is to connect the appropriatePGM 1-4 OUTs from the 300 Mixer to theinputs of the recorder. Remember, the 300Series have three different output configurations: unbalanced, referenced to - 1 0 dBV,using R CA-type phono jacks; balanced, referenced to +4 dBm, using X L R-type connectors; and unbalanced, referenced to +4 dBm,using XLR-type connectors. Make sure youchoose and connect the proper signal level forthe equipment being interfaced.2. Next, you need to apply a signal to thesystem. A test tone generator or test tape ishandy to have for this procedure. Assumingyou are using a tone generator, set the frequency to 1 k Hz and connect the signal to thechannel B M I C or L I N E I N put, whichever isappropriate.3. Select the proper input for channel B. Turnthe EO section off and turn the channel on.4. Assign channel 8 to PGM's 1-4 and set thePAN control to the 12 o'clock (center) position.5. Raise all four PGM faders to the shaded area,about 7-8 on the gradient scale.6. Make sure the TAPE RTN switches on MONITOR sections 1 -4 are in the UP position (TAPER ET U R N S de-selected) , make sure the fourM ET E R select switches are in the UP position.7. Set the proper input T R I M control on channel 8 to 1 2 o'clock.8. Raise the channel 8 FADER until the VUmeters read 0. The channel FADER should bein the shaded area. If it isn't, adjust the T R I Mcontrol until i t is correct.g_ When all four output meters read 0 VU,raise the input level controls until the recorder'smeters all read 0 VU.421 0. Record the 1 kHz tone with the level set at0 VU for about a mi nute.1 1 . Connect the outputs from the recorder toTAPE I N jacks 1 - 4 on the 300 Mixer.1 2 . Press the TAPE RTN switches on MONITORsections 1 -4.13. Rewind the tape to the beginning of therecorded tone.1 4. Play the tape. The four PGM meters on the300 Mixer should read 0 VU. This allows youto verify the accuracy of the preceeding steps.Since you will also need to cal ibrate yoursystem when remixing down to a stereo mastertape, we will describe this process as well.Continuing with the steps detailed above,proceed as follows:1 5. Set the LEVEL and PAN controls on MONITOR sections 1 - 4 to 12 o'clock position.1 6. Raise the STE R EO LEFT and R I G HTMASTER FADERS to the shaded area, about7-8 on the fader scale.1 7. Press STE R EO on the METER SE LECTSWITCH RACK.1 8. Repeat steps 14 and 15 (above). Since we'veal ready verified the retu rning levels, here we arefocusing only on the read ings of the ST E R EOV U meters.19. The STE R EO METERS should read 0 VU.If the readings are too low, adjust the fourMONITOR LEVEL controls slightly higher. Ifthe meters are too high, adjust the levels downward slightly. A handy tip for making thisadjustment faster and simpler: turn two of theMONITOR PAN controls fully left and the othertwo fully right, then make the necessary leveladjustments. When all four PANS are returnedto the center position, the meter readingsshould remain at 0.