" ' . '',�.\JJ.JU'vu '® 4.8 ;M ETER SELECT AND TAPE R E TU R NMO NITO R SECTION0V U MetersEach of the first four meters d isplay e ithe r thelevel of the PGM busses or that o f the TAPERETUR NS. The metering source is determinedby the METER Select Switche s (see #29).The two mete rs o n the right, L and R, allowmonitoring the level of the signals selected onthe ME TER Se lect Switch Rack (#60).All these six meters respond to the averagesignal level using standard volume unit ball istics ,and do NOT show peak leve ls.@l Peak LEOsThe light emitting d iode provided for each me te rwill react much more quickly than the meters,and is se t to "flash" 1 0 d B above "0 VU".They are te l l ing you the truth about the R EALlevel. The "average" level shown on the VUmete r is not always a safe conce pt. Re ly on thepeak LEOs, the meters are only a guide .lj M ETER Select SwitchesEac h of the four (4) PGM VU meters can beswitched to prov ide v isual monitoring of eitherthe PG M busses or the TAPE RTN's. Whe n thesw itch is in the "up" position, the meter rece ivess igna l from e ither the corres pond ing PGM bussor fro m TAPE RTN's 1-4, depend ing on thepositio n of the TAPE RTN SE LECT switch.When the Mete r Select switch is in the "down"posit ion, the meters can re ce ive signal fromeither the PGM buss or TAPE RTN 's 5- 8. Oncethe metering sou rce is selected, the meters willfollow the se lection of the TAPE RTN Selectsw itc hes in the TAPE RET U R N MON ITORsections (see be low).220 TAPE RTN Select SwitchWhe n pressed, this switch connects the specificTAPE R ET U R N to the corresponding TAP EMONITOR section, a llows access of the re tur ning signal to the M E T E R , and provides signal toa specific AUX SEND control. If the returningsignal is not chosen, the switch re places theTAPE signal with that of the PROG RAM. Thus,the MON ITOR and AUX sends can re ceive andprocess signals from e i ther of the TAPE R ET U R NS or the PROG RAM.a. AUX 3,AUX 4 Send Controls (M-312&M-320ONLY)Each MON I TO R se ction contains one of thesecontrols. AUX 3 is accessed from TAPE R ETURNS 1-4, while AUX 4 derives signals fromTAPE RETU RNS 5-8. Since the AUX 3 & 4rece ive the ir signals after, or post, the TAPERTN Switch (see the prev ious description), thesetting of this switch dete rmine s the signalprocessed by the AUX SENDS.0 AUX 3 & 4 POST Switch (M-312 & M-320ONLY)This switch allows the AUX S E N DS to re ce ivesignal e ither before (pre) or afte r (post) there spe ctive MON ITOR LEVE L control (seebelow).It Monitor LEVE L ControlOnce the signal sou rce has bee n dete rmined andselected by the TAPE RTN switch, the ove rallvolume is set by the MONITOR L EV E L control.This leve l is the n sent to the AUX POST circuitand the MON ITOR PAN control.a. M onitor PAN ControlAs with the channe l PAN controls, the MON ITOR PAN determines the left-to-r ight placementof the signal in the MONITOR syste m. The PANsends the signal to the STE R EO L E FT andR I GHT BUSSES.CD Monitor ON Switch and LED I ndicatorThis sw itch al lows the signal in the MONITORsyste m to pass to the STE R EO B USSES and onmodels M-312 and M-3 20, to the AUX POSTcircuit. The LED indicator is lit whe n the switchis in the "ON" pos ition (down ) . The switch d oesNOT affect the signal sent to the AUX P R Ecircuit.