1 . LEVEL SETTING AND OPERATION CHECK"0 dB" reference voltages:0 dBV is referenced to 1 Vrms.0 dBm/0 dBu is referenced to 0.775 Vrms.1 - 1 . MASTER FADERS AND POTSConnect a -10 dBV, 1 kHz signal to the mputjacks l isted in the table, and by adjusting theMASTE R faders and MASTER pots of thechannels being checked, confirm that therelative outputs provide nominal output levelsignals.Input Jacks ControlsPGM 1PGM 2 PGM Master Faders between 7-8PGM J on the scalePGM 4L Stereo Master Fader L between7-8 on the scaleR Stereo Master Fader R betweenSUB IN 7-8 on the scaleL and R MONO Master Fader between7-8 o n the scaleEFF E F F ECT Master PotAUX 1 AUX 1 Master PotAUX 2 AUX 2 Master PotAUX J* AUX 3 Master PotAUX 4* AUX 4 Master PotEXT SOLO SOLO level potEXT 1 and EXT 2 in theMONitor select switchrackEXT IN 1 (L & R) MONITOR level potEXT IN 2 (L & R ) PHONES level pot• M-31 2/M-320 only.1 -2. VU METERSCheck that the VU meters ind icate "0 VU"when PGM OUT ( 1 -4) and STEREO OUT(L & R) provide the nominal level readings. I fthe meters do not indicate "0 VU", adjust VRswith a slot blade screwdriver inserted into anaccess hole located above each meter.1 - 1Output Jacks Output Nominal LevelsPGM OUT 1PGM OUT 2 +4 dBm at X L R connectorsPGM OUT 3 -1 0 dBV at RCA phone jacksPGM OUT 4STEREO OUT L +4 dBm at X L R connectors-10 dBV at RCA phoneSTEREO OUT R jacks (stereo)0 dBu at 1 /4" phoneMONO OUT jack (mono)E F F ECT OUTPUTAUX 1 OUTPUT 0 dBu at 1 /4" phone jacksAUX 2 OUTPUT -10 dBV at RCA phono jacksAUX 3 OUTPUTAUX 4 OUTPUTSOLO OUT - 1 0 dBVMON OUT L & R 0 dBu 1/4" phone jacks- 1 0 dBV at RCA phono jacksHeadphoneoutput Max. level 1 .5 W + 1 .5 W(8 ohm impedance)1-3. PEAK LEOSPeak LEOs are preset to l ight at +1 1 VU andextinguish at +8.5 VU.I ncrease the input level by 1 1 dB from -10 dBVto +1 dBV without altering the settings inparagraph 1 -1 and check to see that the peakLEOs light at a +1 1 VU reading.