15UBI EasyCoder 101 – Technical ManualUBI Standard CablesRS 232C Cables:Printer (DB25) to IBM-AT 1-975581-05Printer (DIN8) to IBM-AT 1-976954-00Printer (DB25) to IBM-XT 1-975580-05Printer DB25) to IBM-PS2 1-975580-05Printer (DB-25) to Mac 1-010007-00DB-25 Gender Changer 1-010008-00Centronics Cable:DB-25/Centronics 1-010001-00INSTALLATION, cont'd.As standard, all EasyCoder 101 printer models are fitted with onecommunication port for RS 232C on their rear plates1.EasyPak 101 and EasyPak 101 E printers also have a parallelCentronics communication port.EasyCoder 101 SA and EasyPak 101 SA printers do not have to beconnected to a computer, even if the EasyPak 101 SA is preparedfor connection to a PC in order to use the UBI LabelShop programfor label editing.If there are other communication ports, or if you have ordered a non-standard printer, refer to the chapter “Interfaces” for informationon how to connect the printer.With the exception of EasyPak kits and Macintosh Driver kits, nocommunication cable is provided unless ordered separately. Referto the chapter “Interfaces” for cable configuration descriptions.Refer to the manual of the host computer or terminal for informationon how to connect the other end of the communication cable.Computer ConnectionCAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENATTENTIONRISQUE DE CHOC ELECTRIQUENE PAS OUVRIR230 VAC50 HzParallel Port ("centronics:")(36-p female Centronics)EasyPak 101 & 101 E Printers ⇒CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENATTENTIONRISQUE DE CHOC ELECTRIQUENE PAS OUVRIR230 VAC50 HzSerial RS 232C Port ("uart1:")(DB25 male)⇐ Standard Printers(except EasyPak 101 & 101 E)WARNING!When connecting printer and host,the power should be off!1/. As an option, this communication portcan be reconfigured for 20 mA CurrentLoop (not if Centronics interface is fitted).Hints:• For UBI LabelShop or UBI Fingerprint programming, use the "uart1:" serialRS 232C communication channel.• For UBI Windows Driver, use the "centronics:" parallel communicationchannel.• For the UBI Macintosh Driver, use the "uart1:" serial communicationchannel. A special cable with gender changer is included in the driver kit. Thiscable does neither fit "uart1:" on the Parallel Interface Board nor "uart2:"and "uart3:" on the Triple Serial Interface Board.• UBI's standard communication cables and adapters makes it possible toconnect the printer directly to the serial or parallel port of an IBM AT, XT orPS-2 personal computer, or the serial port of an Apple Macintosh computer.Serial RS 232C Port ("uart1:")(8-p female mini-DIN)