8UBI EasyCoder 101 – Technical ManualP U L L / T I R E ZUBIUBIPause SetupFeedEnter.F1 F2 F3 F4 F5EasyCoder 101 EPowerReadyError7 8 94 5 61 2 30 CMODELS, cont'd. EasyCoder 101 EThe EasyCoder 101 E (Enhanced) is a rugged multi-purpose direct-thermal printer, primarily intendedfor computer connection, but can also be adapted for special applications thanks to its programmablekeyboard. It is available with 6 dots/mm printhead density for EAN/UPC bar code printing, or 8 dots/mmfor high quality printing of text, bar codes and images. This printer is prepared for the UBI LabelShop label-editing program, the UBI Windows Driver (optional parallel interface board required), and the UBIMacintosh Driver, but it may optionally be fitted with other standard or custom-made applicationprograms. You may also create your own programs by means of the flexible UBI Fingerprint program-ming language.The EasyPak 101 E is a ready-to-use packagage containing an 8 dots/mm EasyCoder 101 E printer fittedwith a Centronics interface, a memory card adapter and all cables and software required to connect it toa personal computer fitted with Microsoft Windows. The UBI Windows Driver makes this model an ideallabel printer for a large number of programs run under Windows, and the UBI LabelShop label-editingprogram allows you to create your own labels while you have full control of the final result on yourcomputer screen.