32UBI EasyCoder 101 – Technical ManualSETTING UP EASYCODER 101 E and 101 SAEasyCoder 101 E (Enhanced) is intended for applications, wherethe printer not only can be controlled from a host computer, but alsoto some extent from the its built-in membrane keyboard.To allow full flexibility, each key is programmable and the key-board can be remapped.Keys, that are not used, can be disabled and the beep signal, thatusually acknowledges a key being activated, can be turned off.Please refer to the UBI Fingerprint manual, statements KEY ON/OFF, ON KEY GOSUB and KEY BEEP for further information.EasyCoder 101 E can be set up be means of setup files, but is alsoprovided with a “Setup Mode” which allows it to be set up in regardof all parameters by means of its own keyboard. The Setup Modecan be accessed via the UBI Shell program, by the issuing of the UBIFingerprint statement SETUP, or by pressing the < Setup > key inthe UBI Fingerprint's immediate mode.In EasyPak 101 E printers you can access the Setup Mode by meansof the < Setup > key after either the UBI LabelShop or the WindowsDriver option has been selected. In the latter case you can only usethe < Setup > key until the first transmission is received from thehost.EasyCoder 101 SA (Stand-Alone) and EasyPak 101 SA printers arefitted with a dedicated application program, which allows theoperator to control the printer from its own keyboard without anycomputer being connected. The Stand-Alone program, which isdescribed in a separate manual, provides access to the Setup Mode,which is exactly the same as for EasyCoder 101 E, with theexception of some key designations.General Information