18UBI EasyCoder 101 – Technical ManualSETUP PARAMETERSThe setup allows you to adapt the printer for the desired type ofcomputer communication and to control the printing. The setupparameters are:General InformationParameter Options Default1q Printout contrast Variable (0–9) Middle (5)q Serial communication2:u Baudrate 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 384003 9600u Parity even | odd | mark | space | none noneu Character length 7 bits | 8 bits 7 bitsu No. of stop bits 1 bit | 2 bits 2 bitsu Type of flow control:- RTS/CTS Enable | disable disable- ENQ/ACK Enable | disable disable- XON/XOFF, data from host Enable | disable enable- XON/XOFF, data to host Enable | disable enableu New line control char. fr. printer CR/LF | LF | CR CR/LFq Detection:u Label stop sensor adjustment Variable n.a.u Feed adjustment:- Start adjust. +/- Variable 0- Stop adjust. +/- Variable 0q Service:u Media size:- X-start Variable (6 dots/mm: 0–319; 8 dots/mm: 8 – 448) 0/8- Width Variable (6 dots/mm: 0–320; 8 dots/mm: 0 – 440) 320/440- Length Variable, up to 9999 dots 1200/1200u Media type: Label (w gaps) | Ticket (w gaps) | Fix length strip | Var length strip Label (w gaps)u Print defines:- Printhead resistance Variable Acc. to printhead- Thermal paper type See the chapter “Thermal Paper” RICOH 130LAB/LAM- Test print A series of test labels can be printed4 n.a.u Performance: Normal | High | Ultra high Normalu Memory allocation:- Image buffer size Variable 24 kbyte5- Receive buffer size2 Variable 300 byte5- Transmission buffer size2 Variable 300 byte1/. “Default” refers to the default setup values in the standard configuration EPROM's. A custom-made printer fitted withnon-standard configuration EPROM's may have a different combination of setup values.2/. The software is able to detect if any of the optional serial interface boards is fitted. If so, the serial communicationparameters and the size of the communication buffers are set up separately for each of the communication channels"uart1:", "uart2:", and "uart3:". There is no communication setup for the optional Centronics parallel communicationchannel.3/. Baudrate 38,400 is only available for "uart2:" and "uart3:" (requires a Triple Serial Interface Board).4/. Not available for EasyCoder 101.5/. Higher default value for EasyCoder 101 SA.