34UBI EasyCoder 101 – Technical ManualSETTING UP EASYCODER 101 E and 101 SA, cont'd.While going through the setup procedure, you are guided by textsin the printer's display. You can step between setup menus, ac-knowledge displayed values, select or type new values etc. bymeans of some of the keys on the printer's keyboard (an externalkeyboard cannot be used within the Setup Mode):Using the Keyboardin the Setup Mode:201 IIE 201 IISA ApplicationInsF1Used to view the current value of the LSS setup.Used to move up between menus, to scroll backwards between options instacks, and to decrease the value of the contrast or the LSS 1 step.Used to move down between menus, to scroll forward between options instacks, and to increase the value of the contrast or the LSS 1 step.Used to exit the Setup Mode and save the parameter values. It can be usedanywhere in the Setup Mode.Used to indicate negative values.Used to to auto-adjust the LSS/BMS and produce a paper feed.Used to acknowledge a displayed value or choice, and to step forward to nextmenu or level.Numeric keys 0–9 are used to enter passwords and numeric values.Used to return to a previous menu and to clear erroneously entered values.Used to print test labels.F4F5Setup SaveFeed. -Common0 9-C(Print)EnterDISABLEOPTION 3OPTION 2HEADLINE A:STACK ASTACK A:OPTION 1HEADLINE B:STACK BSTACK B:ENABLEEnterEnter• Press F4/<– key to browse back.• Press F5/–> key to browse forward.• Press Enter to select an option.F5 F4CEnterMain principles for moving between menus in the Setup Mode: